Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 June, 2021

You Said, We Did

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High teacher turnover
You Said, We Did We've been sending out Parent Satisfaction Survey, we've been asking your personally, we've been listening toy your feedback! We have also actioned based on your feedback! You Said - We Did. her

We've been sending out Parent Satisfaction Survey, we've been asking your personally, we've been listening toy your feedback! We have also actioned based on your feedback! You Said - We Did.

Principal with 25+ years international education experience, over 50 native English speaking expat subject specialists and strong professional SLT of academics and administrators. In addition we have a middle leadership of Heads of Departments (English, MFL, Mathematics, Humanities, ICT and Creative and Performing Art) and whole school Coordinators for PE, Music and Science.

Our students undertake regular tests and exams every term to confirm their understanding and practice revisions and exam techniques.

BST students benefit from individual attention and personalised approach to learning. Hence, over 95% of our students are "happy" at school.

We have a “zero bullying” policy and regularly hold assemblies so our students can identify different types of bullying and speak up against it. We work hard so that every child feels safe and happy at school and there are strict consequences for any form of bullying.

The syllabus for the academic year and work done may be viewed on SeeSaw for Primary and Satchell for Secondary. In addition, learning letters will be sent to parents to update them on learning outcomes each term. Parents may also check work on MS Teams and their children’s planners.

All teachers hold QTS (Qualified Teacher Status),  benefit from CPD at Kings College London, Nord Anglia University and our Education Team in Oxford, UK. In addition, we undertake a minimum of 6 teaching checks per year for every teacher to ensure optimum performance.

GL assessments at the beginning and end of the year as well as the termly reports and parent consultation meetings demonstrate the challenges student’ overcome and the progress made over the academic year. In addition the termly core values reports illustrates how students develop their personal and social skills in line with our British core values as well as academic excellence.

We have over 40 different nationalities on role, with 57% Uzbek students and 43% expat students. As an inclusive school we undertake CAT 4 tests with every new starter to ensure we can focus our support to get the best out of them. English is the common language and spoken at all times with exceptional EAL support for those new to English.

Our new vision and mission sets the standards for behaviours and attitudes as well as highlighting our BRITISH values of being

  • Brave
  • Respectful
  • Innovative
  • Tolerant
  • Integrity
  • Sustainable 
  • Honest.

These values are reinforced through our Personal, Social, Health and Emotional sessions at form every morning.

Parents are communicated with regularly via phone, email, the parent consultation meetings and reports every term so they may track their child’s academic progress. We also held Open Lessons for parents in January so that they could enter classrooms and see how their children were learning. In addition, SeeSaw and Satchel make it easy for parents to see what topics their child is working on so that they may support more effectively at home. We also inform parents of their child’s success outside the classroom in the termly core values report as well as celebrating successes in extra-curricular activities like Chess, green initiatives and sports.

External exam results prove the quality of our education – in 2020, 96% of our AS students and 74% of IGCSE students achieved 

As part of our onboarding process, every child will have a buddy in class, be introduced to MS Teams, SeeSaw and Satchel and benefit from our improved English as an Additional Language programme. In addition, Phase/Key Stage Leaders will contact parents weekly to ensure questions are answered and issues resolved.

We have one of the best student: teacher ratios amongst all 73 Nord Anglia schools. Across the school we have one teacher to every 10 students.

We have reviewed and reintroduced the BST Discipline Policy around positive reinforcement to ensure every individual displays the attitudes and behaviour expected of the BST community.

The Principal and SLT are always happy to hear from parents and discuss initiatives. We also have our first Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA), who will act as a communication channel between the school and parent community. Our passionate PTFA Committee have planned an annual programme for 2021/22 and are always ready to listen to you and raise your concerns with the Principal and SLT.

91% of parents believe their child has an excellent relationship with their teacher.

Greater support, collaboration and friendly rivalry through the House System and supportive Form Tutors.

We develop global awareness through International Week, International Day, our collaborations with the Juilliard School, MIT, UNICEF and the study of Russian, French and Spanish languages. Our students also interact with 67,000 students across 30 countries through Global Campus.

Keeping our loyal parent engaged is essential. Therefore, this year we launched the fortnightly BST News Flash, refreshed our monthly Parent Newsletter and set up a so that parents queries and concerns are always answered promptly. 

We have invested in new textbooks for all students and  every year group has a minimum of one trip linked to the curriculum per term.

An annual syllabus for all year groups and subjects, broken down into three terms. Learning letter to be sent to parents every term with learning outcomes covered from the syllabus to track progress and achievement.

We offer over 25 extra curricular activities each term so that students may develop their talents including the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh International Award. We have participated in more sports competitions (international and local) than any other school in Tashkent. In addition, international competitions like Stemco Olympiad, the inter-house competitions and the Student Council help our students become confident achievers and be empowered.

5. This year we have had a few large events (Winter Fayre, International Day, Summer Fair), which were only successful due to parent and student support. In addition, we made a few videos (Jingle Bells, Its Time for BST and Macarena) which were great fun for students, staff and members of the PTFA. We also managed to raise over $10,000 for charity through our Share a Dream initiative and build strong partnerships with Macmillan, Hilton, British Council, AmCham and many more businesses and NGO’s. Next year we hope to do more with the support of our BST community.

Uzbek School will now be part of the school day and taught from 2:30-3:30pm. Uzbek School teachers will also be guided by and follow international teaching methodology and receive support from expat teachers.

This year BST has experienced the lowest teacher turnover since 2011.