Last week, on the 20th and 21st of June, our Year 6 students experienced their first taste of being secondary students during their transition days.
They came up to the secondary campus with their Year 6 class teacher, then the event began in earnest with an assembly led by Mr. Wilson, their new Head of Year. Following this, the students were introduced to their new tutor groups and headed off to their new form rooms.
The first part of Thursday morning was dedicated to getting acquainted with their tutors and classmates. They discussed their lesson timetables, planned their lunch activities, and participated in a walk-around tour of the campus, learning how to locate each classroom. They then thoroughly impressed by supporting each other to find their ways around, with everyone arriving at their lessons in good time.
Throughout the two days, the students engaged in fun, realistic secondary taster lessons in English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Music, Art, and Drama. Highlights, as reported by the students, included the tough "4" challenge in Maths and the (rather smelly!) dissection of fish in Science.
Lunch times were equally busy, featuring a range of sporting and creative activities, as well as a treasure hunt, organised with the help of our Sports Leaders and Year 10 students. This hopefully provided an example of the leadership opportunities available in secondary school, something our soon-to-be Year 7 students can look forward to, as well as a chance to get to know their older peers.
The transition days concluded on Friday with a reflection session back in their form groups.
We hope the Year 6 students enjoyed their first experience as secondary students and now feel both confident and excited about starting in August. The secondary staff and students thoroughly enjoyed the energy and enthusiasm they brought with them and are looking forward to welcoming them proper at the start of the next school year.
It has been another vibrant and busy week in Primary! Our KS2 Swim Galas were a highlight, and it was lovely to see so many of you there, cheering on your children and celebrating their achievements.
On Saturday, January 18, 2025, BSKL hosted its second annual Alumni Event in London, coinciding with Principal Dr. O'Connor's recruitment trip to the UK.