14 June, 2024

BSKL Lions roar at U11 FOBISIA Games in Pattana, Thailand

U11 FOBISIA Games - U11 FOBISIA Games
BSKL Lions roar at U11 FOBISIA Games in Pattana, Thailand
On Tuesday 4th June, our U11 FOBISIA Team departed Malaysia for Pattana, Thailand, for what would be an exhilarating, challenging and memorable 5 days of sport! After weeks of training, our Lions were ready to compete with the best and take part in one of the biggest sports tournaments in Asia.
Athletics & Swimming
Day 1 kicked off with Athletics! The competition was strong, but our athlete's held their own. We secured a number of medals on the track, with the 200m being our most successful event, and many more on the field events. Our throwing events were especially successful, with 16 medals across Javelin, Shot Put and Discus! A big thank you to Coach Karen for her brilliant coaching in the weeks leading up to FOBISIA.
After Athletics, we were in the pool for the Swimming competition. With Coach Patrick and Miss Kow leading our Lions, we quickly became a formidable force in the water. Mr Harron almost couldn't keep up with the number of podium photos he had to take! It was medal after medal for our Swimmers. They were organised, disciplined and extremely determined. In the end, their hard work paid off and they secured 3rd overall! 

Day 2 was all about Tee-ball! A game full of various rules, tactics and skills. All of our teams played with great team spirit and worked together to achieve as many runs and outs as possible. As coaches, we knew our Lions were doing their absolute best, displaying everything we had taught them. It was especially wonderful to watch our pupils rally together and support one another through difficult losses and unlucky plays. Their improvement throughout the tournament was truly inspiring and we finished the day with smiles on our faces!

Day 3, probably the most exciting day for most of our Lions, was Football. Our boys and girls were ready to go, even after two tough days of sport! All day, there were wonder goals (Vihaan's back-heel and Sienna's freekick), immense tackles, brilliant passing and movement, unbreakable defence (Girls B Team!) and solid teamwork. To play 6 matches, from 8am to 5pm, under searing heat in high-pressure conditions, is a challenge not many could face. But... Our Lions were immense and demonstrated real grit to compete against the best and come away with some fantastic wins.
A special CONGRATULATIONS to the Girls A Team, who suffered great misfortune when our captain Sienna injured her knee in the second match but managed to battle through the remaining four games to finish 3rd overall! 

It was a tremendous trip that we know our pupils will remember forever. They represented BSKL with great pride and we are proud of their efforts and achievements! A big thank you to our supportive parents & families who rallied behind the team and never gave up.

Lions on 3... 1, 2, 3 - LIONS!