In Nursery this term, our focus is on sharing and working together. Our core text is ‘The Enormous Turnip’.
BSG Guangzhou Scholarships 2024/25
In Nursery this term, our focus is on sharing and working together. Our core text is ‘The Enormous Turnip’.
In Nursery this term, our focus is on sharing and working together. Our core text is ‘The Enormous Turnip’.
Deanne Newton, Nursery Teacher
This story is about commitment and team work. To hook the children into the story, we provided each class with two large cardboard boxes for the children to create something amazing for the classroom. As a class the children shared ideas of what they would like to make then settled with one fun idea. The children were very excited to be involved and participated in making different parts of their creation. The children were able to use their imagination and explore with a variety of different tools and materials. During this process the children demonstrated commitment and worked together really well, we are very proud of all them.
On Saturday, 40 of those learners, friends and colleagues, including BSG staff, students, parents and friends, got together at Qingyuan Lion Lake Golf Club (清远狮子湖高尔夫俱乐部) for a memorable day of golf, getting to know each other and a little bit of competition.
Remember, this is a charity event. The more people who attend, the more we can raise for the Hopeful Hearts Charity and make a difference together. We look forward to seeing you on November 9th! Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to have fun, connect with others, and support a great cause.
Calling all BSG families and friends! Don’t miss out on our exciting Family Golf Day this October, where fun and friendly competition come together for an unforgettable Saturday!
Admission Enquiries +86 (0)20 8709 4788 ext. 2026/2029 (Bilingual)
BSG Guangzhou
983-3 Tonghe Road
Baiyun District
510515 CHINA
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