Some of the very best learning takes place away from school, when students spend time together on a residential trip to an unfamiliar, exciting and challenging location. The Residential Trip programme at The British School of Guangzhou is so integral to our students' development that we offer it to all pupils from Year 3 to Year 13 at no extra costs to parents.

What Students Can Expect On Our School Trips

Each trip is designed to provide opportunities to be involved in new activities and to work with different people. Students always come back from these trips tired, happy, and a little more ‘grown-up’.

The destination and duration of a trip depends on the age of the pupils involved, but all trips provide our students with skills and learning opportunities that are simply not available within a regular classroom setting.

Residential week for students takes place in October — a great time to cement new friendships at the start of the academic year.


Premium Residential Trips

During secondary residential week students from Years 9 to 13 have an opportunity to choose to go on extended residential trips. These trips have a specific educational focus designed to further enrich your child's learning experience within a particular subject.

Please note that destinations change each year based on our student and teacher interests and skills and, due to the extended period of stay and need for a long haul flight, these 'premium' trips do incur an additional cost to parents.


Day Trips

We believe that learning is greatly enhanced when students have meaningful opportunities to take their learning beyond the classroom and into the real world. Students enjoy a variety of carefully planned educational visits linked to their work in class, and we also welcome many visitors to school to conduct workshops and other activities.