The British School of Guangzhou now offers a Toddler Class specifically designed for children aged 1 to 2 years to help them develop a love of learning right from the start.
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Starting school is something we do together: children, parents and school. The key to a successful start is trust, positive communication and the rapid development of a partnership that supports your child.


As a well-established community, we at The British School of Guangzhou understand every part of a child's first few steps into education. Our high-quality Early Years programme provides a safe, nurturing environment for learning under the guidance of expert educators who have a wealth of Early Years’ experience.


As part of this programme, our newly launched Toddler Class for 1 to 2-year-olds will provide your child with plenty of stimulation at this crucial stage. Toddler will learn to interact with their peers, explore interesting environments, talk with teachers and engage in creative play, all of which helps them build their social, communication and sensory skills, as well as encouraging a sense of curiosity about the world and a love of meaningful learning.


If your child is new to attending classes, we have A-Useful-Guide-For-Parents on how to help them settle in more easily.


Advantages of our Toddler Class in Guangzhou

Our admissions team are available to talk with you at any time. Please call us on +86 (0)20 8709 4788 ext. 2004, or email us through