Josie Wang

Admissions Manager
Josie Wang - Josie Wang


Josie has a Master’s degree in Media and Public Relations from the University of Leicester. She joined BSB Shunyi in March 2020. In her first 3 years at BSB, she worked in the Secondary Office and got valuable experience working closely with the academic team. In 2022, Josie was awarded the “Exceptional Service Award” on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of Nord Anglia in China. In 2023, she got promoted to the Admissions Manager role and started to work with the Admissions team. Josie’s kindness and professional skills make her a trustworthy person to talk to for families who’re new to the school.

Josie has always enjoyed spending time with children, and working at the school brings her happiness and a sense of vitality. BSB is an international and diverse community-oriented school, where staff and students from all over the world come together in this big family, fostering an atmosphere of mutual inclusion and respect.

Josie likes movies and Pilates. She does Pilates twice a week and lives a balanced life. Her favourite movie and books are the Harry Potter series. She read Harry Potter for the first time when she was 7 years old and has repeatedly read it when she grows up. And that’s why she chose to go to the UK to study and a British school to work at.

Josie lives in Beijing with her 3-year-old daughter Leah and her husband. She enjoys spending time with families at weekends and holidays.