Chris Taylor

Head of Year 3

BSc (Hons), QTS, CELTA

Chris studied at the University of Manchester in the UK and was awarded an Bachelor's degree with honours in Management. He licensed to teach in both the UK and USA and have been teaching in China from 2011. He also has a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) from the University of Cambridge. When he arrived in Beijing, he taught English as a language initially and worked with a wide range of ages from three up to twelve years old. He then moved to teaching all subjects in a Primary classroom and was promoted to supervisor and then manager in charge of curriculum programme development. Prior to joining BSB Shunyi in 2021, he was the Year 2 and Year 3 Year Level leader in his last school.

As a teacher, Chris believes in setting clear expectations and routines. Learning should develop skills as well as knowledge, promote problem solving and encourage students’ natural curiosity. One of the key reasons he was drawn to BSB Shunyi is the high standards of learning and teaching. he knows that this is a school where he will be able to improve his teaching practice, develop his leadership skills and help students achieve their goals.

Chris has lived in China for the last ten years and speak the language fairly well. He and his wife were married here in 2019. In his spare time he likes to read more about education, health and history. He also likes to play football and go to the gym regularly.