Hot and Cold Weather Policy

This policy has been drawn up in order to create guidelines in the event of extreme hot or cold weather. 



This policy has been drawn up in order to create guidelines in the event of extreme hot weather. Extreme hot weather is defined in this policy as temperatures over 36 degrees Celsius.


The main risks of extreme hot weather are:


  1. Children should wear a sun hat at all times when outside. If they do not have a hat they should stay in shaded areas.
  2. Parents should either apply sun screen to their child before school or send in sun screen for the child to apply at school.
  3. Children should be encouraged to drink regularly, and time will be provided before and after breaks for children to have water. Parents should send a water bottle in to school.
  4. Physical and/or strenuous activity should be reduced.
  5. At the discretion of the teacher afternoon play may be restricted for EYFS and KS1 children when the temperature is 36 degrees Celsius or above.
  6. Temperature to be monitored hourly.
  7. If the temperature reaches 40 degrees, children are to come inside. Teddies and Nursery teachers may use their discretion and bring their children inside earlier.
  8. Staff should be aware of the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. If any child demonstrates symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, they should be allowed a water break and taken in to a cool environment. If symptoms persist they should be immediately sent to the school nurse.
  9. Staff should also be aware of any of any medical condition in their students that may be exacerbated by excessive heat (asthma, diabetes, allergy, epilepsy etc). However, there is no reason to limit their participation, unless a known risk is obvious or the parent has advised the school that their child should not participate.


  1. If the temperature reaches above 36 degrees Celsius, all lessons will be modified due to the extreme heat. If the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius or above all PE lessons will be indoors in air-conditioned facilities.
  2. The frequency of water breaks increases with the level of temperature but any student who shows signs of heat exhaustion or overheating should be allowed a water break or an opportunity to come into an air-conditioned environment. It is imperative that if a student communicates to a PE teacher about symptoms of a heat related context they should limit and or stop all physical activity and go to a cool place and immediately drink some water. If these symptoms persist, these students must be immediately taken to the nurse for further observation and treatment.
  3. All PE Teachers should be aware of medical conditions of the students they teach, such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy (seizure), allergy, medications, etc. which puts students at a high risk of heat illness. These conditions could be intensified if exercising in hot weather; however, there is no reason to limit students’ participation, unless a known risk is obvious or the parent has advised the school that their child should not participate.



This policy has been drawn up in order to create guidelines in the event of extreme cold weather. Extreme cold weather is defined by a period of unusually cold weather in the winter period.


Why playing outside is important


To begin with, it’s common knowledge that children need time to blow off steam and get some exercise. This helps them grow strong and stay healthy but it is also good for them mentally as it gives them an opportunity to explore and discover the outside world. It teaches them about their surroundings and is a chance to feed their imagination. 

For people without respiratory problems, cold air is not damaging to the lungs and sport/movement outdoors can generally continue in cold weather. Exposure to breathing cold air can get critical for healthy people under the temperature -15 degrees. Then the body can’t manage to warm up the in-breathing air till it reaches the lungs. For people with respiratory problems, much greater care should be taken as the damaging effects of cold air can happen at much warmer temperatures.


Cold Weather Guidelines

It is essential that students arrive at school each day prepared for cold weather. Students must be dressed appropriately so that they remain safe and comfortable during the following times:

Below freezing -1 to -8°Celsius

Students are expected to go outside during their break time, though prolonged periods of time outside is not advised. Parents should ensure that their child brings the following items needed to stay warm and comfortable when outside:


Temperatures below -8°Celsius

If the temperature reaches below -8°Celsius students will stay inside



The main risks of extreme cold weather are:






What parents can do:



