Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 September, 2024

Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award Hike Sep 2024

Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award Hike Sep 2024 - Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award hike Sep 2024
Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award Hike Sep 2024 - Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award hike Sep 2024

A group of BSB Year 10 students went on a 6-hour orienteering hike around the Silver Pagoda Mountain Park on Sunday 8th September. This was as part of an introduction to the International Award / Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. 

They were dropped off at the Silver Pagodas and from there had to orientate and find their way on a route to Hai Zi village, with a compass and map. The hardest part of the walk was hiking up the steep narrow path to the top of the Silver Pagoda lookout summit. The students certainly learnt the value of good orienteering, leadership and teamwork.

A most rewarding time was had by all when we reached at Hai Zi village. The students performed well and showed enthusiasm, stamina and commitment to compete the hike. They were a credit to themselves and the school. Many thanks to the following BSB staff and parent helpers – Mr John Zheng, Mr Stephen Kulali, Mr Chris Allen, Mrs Juliane Schimann and Mrs Gisela Kaltenpoth, who helped chaperone the group.

Our Secondary students starting from Year 10 work towards the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award as part of their curriculum. It encourages students to get active: they can participate in sports, learn new skills, serve or help others, work to develop a sense of responsibility and commitment, and develop their confidence.

Mr Nick Bourne

International Award Coordinator

Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award Hike Sep 2024 - Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award hike Sep 2024

Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award Hike Sep 2024 - Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award hike Sep 2024

Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award Hike Sep 2024 - Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award hike Sep 2024

Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award Hike Sep 2024 - Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award hike Sep 2024

Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award Hike Sep 2024 - Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh International Award hike Sep 2024