Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 April, 2023

Take a peak at our Year 3 Robotics lesson!

Take a peak at our Year 3 Robotics lesson - Take a peak at our Year 3 Robotics lesson

Year 3 conducted our inaugural robotics lesson, which focused on the introductory Draw activity using Sphero Bolt Robots. The objective of this activity was to familiarize the children with the Sphero Edu Draw canvas, where they drew shapes that represented code and subsequently executed that code using Sphero Bolt robots.

The lesson proved to be an excellent introduction to Sphero Edu, and the students actively engaged in the learning experience. They successfully created and executed block-based programs to draw shapes using the robots.

Rugera Wanjara

Primary Computing Leader

Take a peak at our Year 3 Robotics lesson - Take a peak at our Year 3 Robotics lesson

Take a peak at our Year 3 Robotics lesson - Take a peak at our Year 3 Robotics lesson

EdTech at BSB

At BSB, we're unlocking our students' learning potential by bringing the very best in teaching and technology in and out of the classrooms. Our school is equipped with the newest technology to create stimulating learning experiences integrated into our physical classroom.

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