Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 April, 2023

Reception – Butterflies, Frogs and Snails

Reception Butterflies Frogs and Snails - Reception Butterflies Frogs and Snails

Spring has sprung in Reception! We have begun learning about different life cycles so that the students can be the teachers to the other classes about their chosen creature. 

In Reception A the children have been learning all about butterflies. They learned to use their new vocabulary to describe and sequence each stage - egg, caterpillar, cocoon and butterfly. They collaborated on artwork inspired by the illustrations of Eric Carle in his books "The Lamb and the Butterfly" and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". Then, they used this collage art to make leaves, the sun and butterflies. This created interesting patterns and textures.

In Reception B, the children chose to learn about snails. They have done a great job learning the life cycle and anatomy. They really enjoy saying the word ‘juvenile’ and pretending they have tentacles. We have also read “The Snail Trail,” a story about Modern art, and the children loved creating their own works of art in Matisse’s style that they believe look more like a snail than his. 

Reception C chose to focus on frogs.  They began by reading a story about a frog called Tapple. They learned about the egg, tadpole, and froglet stages Tapple went through before becoming an adult frog. Lastly, the students used playdough to mould eggs, a tadpole, a froglet and an adult frog on a paper plate. Their concentration on the final piece of work was admirable. 

The Reception Team is very proud of what the children have accomplished in learning the life cycle of their choice this year.

Jennifer Morgenthaler

Head of Reception

Reception Butterflies Frogs and Snails - Reception Butterflies Frogs and Snails

Reception Butterflies Frogs and Snails - Reception Butterflies Frogs and Snails

Reception Butterflies Frogs and Snails - Reception Butterflies Frogs and Snails