Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
29 April, 2022

Primary Parent Update - 29 April, 2022

Primary Parent Update - 29 April, 2022 - primary-parent-update--29-april-2022

Dear Parents,

We were having such a lovely week in Primary, right up until Thursday afternoon when very late in the day came the direction from SYEC to close our campus to students and to move to online learning. Our Year 3 students had put on a great dress rehearsal of their Play in a Week, ‘Rock Bottom’, for our Year 1 and 2 students; Mr Corkery, our Primary Art Leader, had our students’ art work prepared to exhibit in what will be our inaugural Primary Art Exhibition and all was in place for our annual Primary Coding Competition, led by our Primary Computing Leader Mr Wanjara,  which was to take place this Saturday. All the time and effort already put into preparing for these events will not, however, go to waste as they will all be rescheduled to take place when our campus is again open to students.

None-the-less, despite the late notice, our staff prepared calmly and professionally for a smooth return to online learning, for what we hope will be a very short time.

Virtual School Experience (VSE) Main Contacts

If parents have any questions or concerns about their child’s online learning experience, please contact your child’s teacher and / or Head of Year in the first instance.

Other pertinent contact details:

Please also find attached our Primary Parents VSE Guidelines which outlines how parents can best ensure that their children make the most of their learning time during online learning.  

Roots and Shoots Nature Garden

Last week, over 100 students attended our Roots and Shoots cinema event. We raised just over 3,100 rmb! All money raised will help us continue with building our nature garden. We will use the money to buy beautiful flowers and plants such as bamboo, sage, lavender, juniper and lilacs. We will also buy stepping stones to create a path to explore the garden and a bench to sit on and relax.  Thank you to everyone who took part in the event and have supported us in building our nature garden!

Year Book 2021 – 2022 Orders

Order your 2021-22 BSB Shunyi Yearbook by 30th April!

Please click to see details

Summer School Uniform, Hats and Water bottles

Students should now be wearing the Summer uniform to school. Please see full details of our summer uniform here.

All students must have a hat in school to wear at break times:

  • we operate a ‘no hat no play’  rule during the summer months
  • students without hats will be asked to sit on the sun safety seat in the playground by staff on duty
  • please ensure that your child’s hat is clearly labelled with their name and class so it can be easily returned if misplaced / forgotten

It is also vitally important that as the weather turns warmer, all students have their own water bottle in school so that they can remain hydrated throughout the day. Water bottles should also be labelled clearly with the student’s name and class.

Travel restrictions

If parents have any questions or concerns regarding travel restrictions please contact:

After School Activities (ASAs) 

Season 4

  • Start: Monday April 18
  • End: Friday June 3

ASA Parent Pick-Up

All students who are being collected by a parent / guardian after ASAs should be met at the main gate at the front of school between 4.25 and 4.30. Any students not collected by 4.30 will be able to wait safely in the security guards’ office until parents / guardians arrive.

Any queries or concerns regarding ASA please contact AHoP Ms Debs Spencer or Primary PA Mrs Emma Ma


Dates for your diary:


  • Monday 2: national holiday, school closed
  • Monday 16 – Friday 20: BSB Ambitious Week
  • Monday 23 – Friday 27: Year 6 Play in a Week

The Primary Leadership Team

Have a lovely weekend,


Nonie Adams

Head of Primary