Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 March, 2022

Year 10 English Literature comes alive!

Year 10 English Literature comes alive! - year-10-english-literature-comes-alive
Year 10 English Literature comes alive!

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Literature comes alive in the minds of its readers, with a great story meaning something unique and special to each person who picks it up.

‘Purple Hibiscus’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a powerful novel that many students study as part of the English GCSE literature lessons at BSB. Telling the story of Kambili, a young girl who is trying to find herself within the conflicts of a violent family, the book is also a wider metaphor for Nigeria’s struggle for independence. Within this broader story, students find themselves connecting with many of the themes in the book as the characters struggle to express themselves, fall in love, deal with conflict and, ultimately, become independent.

Students in Year 10 recently reflected on the moments that spoke to them the most in the novel and transformed these into short dramatic performances in which they aimed to display their understanding of character, emotion, and theme. Performing in BSB’s IB Hub, they shared these transformation with their peers.

I hope you enjoy these pictures from their performances.  

Daniel Green

English & Theory of Knowledge Teacher, Head of Year 10