Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 January, 2022

Primary Parent Update - 7 January, 2022

Primary Parent Update - 7 January, 2022 - primary-parent-update--7-january-2022
Primary Parent Update - 7 January, 2022

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Term 2 of our academic year. We have had nearly thirty new students join us so far this term – a very warm welcome to our new students and their families. I look forward to meeting parents of new students in person in due course. All students have made a great start to the new term, happy to be in school with their friends and teachers and settling back into the routines and expectations of our school very quickly.

Primary School 2022 Calendar

2022 BSB Primary Calendar cover

Every afternoon next week – week beginning Monday January 10, 3pm – 3.30pm - members of our Primary student council will be selling our wonderful Primary 2022 Calendar at the front of school. The calendar costs 50 rmb and all proceeds go to our nominated Primary charity,  Dew Drops. The calendar features amazing artwork from our Primary students, from students in Early Years right through to our older Year 6 students. Parents can also purchase the calendar through scanning the QR code here:

2022 Primary Calendar QR Code

The calendar will be delivered to your child’s classroom for them to bring home safely in their bag.


A reminder - front of school pick-up times

Confirmation of the times when parents / guardians are expected to collect their child/ren from the front of school:

  • Teddies: 3pm
  • Nursery: 3.05
  • Reception: 3.10
  • Years 1 and 2: 3.15
  • Years 3 and 4: 3.20
  • Years 5 and 6: 3.25

If a parent knows in advance that they are going to be late to pick up their child, please contact Ms Yana Zhao, and we will be able to keep your child safe until your arrival at school. Any students not collected by 3.30 will be able to wait safely in the security guards’ office until parents / guardians arrive.


1:1 Assistant Needed

We are seeking a 1:1 assistant for a young Primary child. If anyone in our school community is interested in this role please contact me for further details


After School Activities (ASAs)

Season 2

  • Start: Monday November 8
  • End: Friday January 21

*No ASAs week beginning Monday January 24. All students will leave school no later than 3.30pm.


Season 3

*No ASAs week beginning Monday February 7. All students will leave school no later than 3.30pm.

  • Start: Monday February 14
  • End: Thursday March 31


ASA Parent Pick-Up

All students who are being collected by a parent / guardian after ASAs should be met at the main gate at the front of school between 4.25 and 4.30. Any students not collected by 4.30 will be able to wait safely in the security guards’ office until parents / guardians arrive.

Any queries or concerns regarding ASA please contact AHoP Ms Debs Spencer or Primary PA Mrs Emma Ma


Dates for your diary:


  • Monday 31: Chinese New Year holiday, school closed


  • Tuesday 1 – Friday 4: Chinese New Year holiday, school closed
  • Monday 14 – Friday 18: Year 5 Play in a Week
  • Monday 21 – Friday 25: Portable Magic Week


  • Tuesday 15 – Thursday 16: Parent-Teacher-Student conferences


The Primary Leadership Team


Have a lovely weekend,


Nonie Adams

Head of Primary