Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 December, 2020

BSB Climate Action Week

BSB Climate Action Week - bsb-climate-action-week
BSB Climate Action Week

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Over the past two months, the Eco-Committee have been working together to promote sustainability in our school. They have supported our BSB Climate Action Week held on 23-27 November, where both Primary and Secondary students have been learning about climate change and the actions that we can all take to slow this change.

The week began with our Green Dress Up Day on 23 November, raising money to support Team Trees who will be planting over 22 million in the next few years. It was wonderful to see green throughout the school and the students support of this initiative. The amount raised on day was RMB 10 000 and this will purchase a total of 1000 trees.

On Tuesday 24 November, the students learnt about what they could do at home to help save our planet, such as switching off appliances not in use and taking reusable bags to go shopping. Wednesday was a focus on saving our trees with the students being reminded about the Shake and Fold hand-washing method that only uses one paper towel.

On Thursday 26 November, we had our whole school Low Food Waste House Competition where each House worked on being mindful about what was left on their tray and thrown away. A benchline weight of 107kg was recorded on 26 November, the Thursday of the week before. The students were able to reduce the amount of food waste by over 80 kg. The winners on the day were Normans. Congratulations! Let’s all work together to continue being mindful about waste!

The opportunity for students to share their ideas was launched on Friday 27 November with an Eco suggestion box where students can share their recommendations on how to make BSB a more sustainable environment.

Clare Cannon

Deputy Head of Primary

Climate Action Week Small