Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
02 December, 2019

BSB won 1st place at Nord Anglia Academic Olympiad China, 2019 - Mathematics, Logic and Humanities

BSB won 1st place at Nord Anglia Academic Olympiad China, 2019 - Mathematics, Logic and Humanities - bsb-won-1st-place-at-nord-anglia-academic-olympiad-china-2019--mathematics-logic-and-humanities
BSB won 1st place at Nord Anglia Academic Olympiad China, 2019 - Mathematics, Logic and Humanities

For our British School of Beijing (BSB) Olympians, the academic adventure in Guangzhou came to a stupendous crescendo on Sunday 24th November 2019 as our 8-person team from Year 5 and 6 startled the Nord Anglia Education school world with a stunning victory in the inaugural Academic Olympiad which included Mathematics, Logic and Humanities. Our BSB Team became Gold medal winners after competing in speed mathematics, problem solving and data handling on the first day and Geography, History and reasoning puzzles on the final day.

The weather during this competition was a relief from the impending winter descending on our beloved Beijing. So much so that on the arrival day and first day of the competition, meals were eaten outside in the British School of Guangzhou’s covered (sun protected) playing area, set in the stunning and picturesque South Lake adorning the periphery of the school.

Competition was fierce throughout and it took Herculean efforts of concentration on behalf of the team over often 2-hour periods to finally stamp their authority on the competition. The respective results from all sections showed that BSB had gathered points consistently from all sections. Their team work and collaboration were obvious from the outset and in the end contributed to the team’s overall success.

The awards ceremony saw the presentation of participant medals for all as all students across the school were wonderful motivated competitor. A special medal for Olympian spirit and fortitude were given to students whose coaches had nominated them. As winners, BSB was allowed to nominate 2 children. These were won by Amber Zhang and Max Kudrevsky and highly deserved as they steered their team through difficulties and challenges.

 As the places were announced the tension was palpable in the BSB area and a feeling of satisfaction of a job well done was replaced by elation as the team were pronounced this year’s Olympiad winners. With great Olympic spirit they leapt on to the stage to accept their trophy and gold medals.

Congratulations our BSB Team for winning 1st place (L-R) Tim Sohn, Julian Kim, Marco Liu, William Aw Yong, Max Kudrevsky, Than Tse, Amber Zhang, Elaine Van Der Chijs

Consequently, they mingled with their fellow Olympians from the other schools and showed their wonderful friendly spirit onstage during the Gala dance. Still in great spirits they arrived home, it was clear from their faces and parents faces that the whole experience of an Academic Olympian competition had instilled a confidence that would put them in good stead for any future inter-school challenge.

Mr. Stephen Casey

Year 5 Teacher, Global Campus Primary Leader