Visits and Trips | BSB Shunyi - Visits and Trips
Jayne Needham
14 June, 2022

Visits and Trips

Visits and Trips | BSB Shunyi - Visits and Trips

Our Residential Trips programme extends our curriculum to offer students experiences designed to be fun, challenging, inspiring, and motivating. Living and working with others brings out the best in everyone and, through service projects in China and further afield, our students see how life looks through other people’s eyes. 

Students bond with each other and their teachers, they also learn a lot about themselves as they are faced with changeable situations and challenges. It’s education that can’t come from books and lectures.

All Residentials in Primary and Secondary school are organised by professional tour companies. The companies provide expert guides for all facets of the trips. Briefings for parents are given in the weeks leading up to the trips. Teachers also do a pre-inspection of the destinations prior to the Residentials going ahead.

Primary Visits and Trips

Year 2: Overnight Adventure Sleepover in School
The children have dinner and games with their teachers and TAs, followed by a movie and a sleepover in school. (1 night)

Year 3: Beijing Countryside
Students travel to the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall in the mountains. They hike up to the Wall and spend some time walking between watch towers, learning about how and why the Wall was built. The following day the students split into groups and complete a number of team- building and personally challenging activities. They visit Yaoqiaoyu Village to discover more about village life. (2 nights/3 days)

Year 4: PingYao 
This ancient walled city of PingYao, east of Beijing, is the destination for this four-night expedition. Students learn about temples, Kung Fu and the ancient past and development of the city.  We will also take advantage of this amazing city by exploring the city walls, temples and an underground castle.  (4 nights/5 days)

Year 5: Xi’an 
Having studied the 1st Emperor of China, Qin, the children visit to see for themselves the remains of the great settlements and complexes around Xi’An. The children have guided tours of features of the Qin and Han dynasties, including ½ day at the Terracotta Warriors and an archaeological excavation. We also visit an imperial garden from the Tang Dynasty and attend a hike in the Chinese countryside. Our visit ends with a treasure hunt through the Shan Xi history museum.  (4 nights/5 days)

Year 6: Northern Hills

For their final residential in Primary, Year 6 travel to The Northern Hills for an adventure based week. The children experience a range of activities that enable them to try new things, challenge themselves and accomplish more than they ever thought they could.  Camping, archery, canoeing, rock climbing and rafting are just a few of the activities that the children take part in. Transitioning from Primary to Secondary school is a major focus of the week as the trip will help prepare the children for the exciting challenges that moving up involves.  All in all, this is an excellent expeirence to end their time in Primary school. (4 nights/5 days)

Secondary Visits and Trips

Each Residential in Secondary school is a 4 night/5 day adventure focusing on four key outcomes:

  • Education - history, culture, biology, geology, environment, anthropology
  • Outdoor Education - mountain biking, kayaking, abseiling, camping, snorkelling
  • Community Engagement - local school interaction, community service, conservation
  • Team Building - communication, cooperation, consideration, coordination

Examples of each year group are as follows for 2019:

School Visits

Throughout the year, various field trips within Beijing are organised to consolidate learning. The list is extensive and often change year-by-year but includes activities such as hiking, visiting restaurant kitchens, the aquarium, museums, embassies and factories.   

As with the residentials, teachers are required to make a pre-visit to the venue before the field trip takes place. Parents are also required to fill out a permission form which includes contact and medical information.

Nord Anglia Regional Events

A Regional Initiative across all Nord Anglia is the development and commitment to pursuing Regional Activities and Events within our region. These Regional Events & Activities within China are scheduled from 6 distinct Sub-Groups, within Academic Olympiads, Global Games (Sport), Expeditions, STEAM Festivals, Performing Arts Festivals and Citizenship (MUN).