Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
01 December, 2019

Year 3 Stone Age, Rocks & Soils

Year 3 Stone Age, Rocks & Soils - year-3-stone-age-rocks-and-soils
Year 3 Stone Age, Rocks & Soils

During Term1, Year 3 and GK2 students have been exploring the Stone Age and Rocks and Soils in our Topic and Science units. We have looked at the development of early human civilisation and have covered topics such as:

  • Stone Age Art and Cave Painting
  • Prehistoric Homes
  • Stone Age Food
  • The Fossilisation Process

On Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 November, Year 3 and GK2 students went to the Beijing Paleozoological Museum to further explore the concepts we have covered in class. This is a superb museum that showcases some of the finest specimens found in China. The children got the chance to explore life before and during the Stone Age period, including dinosaurs and woolly mammoths, fossils and the development of humans. The children particularly enjoyed learning about where in China the fossils were found and how scientists located and recovered them.

Each child had the opportunity to record some of these most exciting discoveries and present their findings to the class upon their return to school. We would like to thank the staff at the Beijing Paleozoological Museum for making our day a wonderful learning adventure for the staff and students.

Mr. Jonathan Jones

Head of Year 3

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