Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
10 November, 2019

World Scholar's Cup Tournament of Champions at Yale University - 9 Nov

World Scholar's Cup Tournament of Champions at Yale University - 9 Nov - world-scholars-cup-tournament-of-champions-at-yale-university--9-nov
World Scholar's Cup Tournament of Champions at Yale University - 9 Nov

Our BSB Teams are participating at the World Scholar's Cup (WSC) Tournament of Champions at Yale University from 8-13 November.

Please see an update received live from Yale currently  9 November evening (Eastern Standard Time)

Junior Team:

Challenge, collaborative writing and debate day today at Yale for the Juniors scholars. Long and challenging rounds that left the students mentally and physically exhausted!

The students definitely feeling the pressure of the Tournament of Champions with much more demanding Motions in the debate round than previously encountered. This left both teams with one win and two losses however, feedback from collaborative writing and the challenge were far more promising, so both teams remain upbeat and confident for the rest of the contest.

Tomorrow, the bowl competition and Yale challenge!

Mr. Chris Planchant, Head of Year 11

Senior Team:

Following in the Juniors footsteps, the Seniors joined the WSC Senior opening ceremony today. Russel and Jamie both took the initiative to network among the other top scholars. After lunch we heard from the keynote speaker Meir Kryger, one of the worlds leading medical professors. Mr Kryger gave an incredible interactive lecture on sleep, allowing students to ask questions on his research.

Lastly the Senior students undertook a scavenger hunt around the Yale campus where Russel bravely stepped up as group leader.

Both of our Senior competitors have represented BSB with exemplary attitudes and are looking forward to the offical academic events to begin tomorrow.

Ms. Megan Sinclair, BSB Admissions Manager, Chaperone for Seniors Team

Please stay tuned for more updates on our School Trips blog.