Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
09 June, 2019

Primary Student Council – a Productive Year!

Primary Student Council – a Productive Year! - primary-student-council-a-productive-year
Primary Student Council – a Productive Year!

2018-2019 The Primary Student Council have been busy this year raising money for Dew Drops, welcoming visitors to our school and attending weekly meetings, as well as those for the Food Committee; always ensuring that student viewpoints were communicated. They have regularly visited Primary classrooms to collect ideas and receive feedback so that all students in our school have a voice.

Along with our Eco-Committee members, our Primary Student Council have become Eco Warriors, working together to promote sustainability in our school. They have been involved in many joint initiatives.

  • Every Monday they have collected used paper from all Primary classrooms for recycling.
  • They led an assembly for Earth Week where they educated their peers about the need to protect our species as so many are on the endangered list.
  • Also during Earth Week, the students were involved in electricity checks throughout the Primary school, ensuring that all classrooms are doing their best to save electricity.
  • Both student groups visited classrooms to inform their peers about saving paper by using only one paper towel in the bathroom, demonstrating the shake and fold method.
  • In addition to this, they have campaigned to have plastic straws removed from the school canteen and, next year, will implement a ‘No Meat’ Monday.

Both the Student Council and Eco-Committee have had an extremely productive year working hard to benefit the students in our school as well as working to save our planet.

Clare Cannon

Deputy Head of Primary

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