Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 May, 2019

Reading in EAL

Reading in EAL - reading-in-eal
Reading in EAL

Last month, the EAL department launched a new reading scheme designed specifically for language learners. Our new range of books are diverse in subjects, engaging and informative, and aligned to second language development. Each book contains a picture dictionary or glossary to help support meaning, and activities to develop comprehension skills. 

We are very impressed with how enthusiastic our students have been about taking books home and reading. 

Below, you can see what some students have enjoyed about their new reading books:   

Student Quotes:  

  • Ben-Can Sekiz GK2 “This book was cool, I really liked it.” 
  • Emanuel Prieto 6KB ‘This was my favourite book because it has dinosaurs and I like the characters.’ 
  • Jake Kim 3AA read “Cells and Microbes”. He said, “I liked reading this book because I like science.” 
  • Kiki Wang 3NC, “I liked this book because I want to go to these places one day.” 
  • Landon Qiu Y5 “The most important part of the book are the questions. They test me.” 
  • Lemmy Schulz GK3 “I read it two times because it was so cool.” 
  • Lily Baek from 3NC read “Food From Around the World”. She said, “My dream is to be a cook, so I liked reading about different foods.”  
  • Nils Tibke GK4 “I like the science books because I learn very much and they are interesting.” 

Ms. Rosalyn Thomas

Primary EAL Teacher

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