Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 April, 2019

World Scholar’s Cup – More Academic Success for BSB Students

World Scholar’s Cup – More Academic Success for BSB Students - world-scholars-cup-more-academic-success-for-bsb-students
World Scholar’s Cup – More Academic Success for BSB Students

On 16 and 17 March, 18 BSB students competed at The Regional Round of the World Scholar’s Cup (WSC). The Competition was attended by 350 students from schools in Beijing and Tianjin. There were participants from both local and International schools.

The WSC is a largely academic competition and the theme students explored for this round was “A World on the Margins”. Areas of exploration included science, art, music, literature, social studies and technology. In spite of the area of study being so expansive, students of BSB, with some guidance but largely independently performed outstandingly. Students participate in a round of three debates and our students demonstrated confidence and skill in executing this task.

While all achievements were notable there are some worth taking special note of.

  • Sarah Wang was placed First for Literature. To give it some context this means that she competed against about 150 students and was placed first.
  • Anny Singh was placed fifth out of 150 students for the Arts
  • Jaimee Van Der Merwe was one of the eight students, again out of 150, to participate in the debates.

All 18 BSB students who attended, qualified to participate in the Global round which will most likely be in South Africa in September. Students who qualify at this round will attend the prestigious round hosted in November at Yale University.

Ms. Salina Sankar

Teacher of English

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