Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 October, 2018

Teacher Profile October 2018 – Paul Readdy

Teacher Profile October 2018 – Paul Readdy - teacher-profile-october-2018-paul-readdy
Teacher Profile October 2018 – Paul Readdy This month, we interviewed Mr. Paul Readdy, Secondary Mathematics Teacher, who has been teaching at BSB for 10 years.

For each newsletter this year, we will interview a BSB Teacher so that parents and students can get to know interesting facts about our teachers. This month, we interviewed Mr. Paul Readdy, Secondary Mathematics Teacher, who has been teaching at BSB for 10 years.

I arrived in Beijing in the August of 2008 just before the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games. It was purely through my desire and my sheer curiosity to learn more about this mysterious country of China and of course to explore the rest of Asia that I decided to make this life changing move. Beijing was certainly a good starting point to begin my adventure and pursue a very long-lived ambition. I am now married with a seven-year-old daughter and we all happily live in the bustling city of Beijing. What I enjoy most about teaching at the British School of Beijing is having the golden opportunity to teach and share the wonders of Mathematics to the students who appreciate the subject's awesomeness and beauty in all its entirety. The students and staff here at the British school of Beijing are all and have always been a great group of people to work with and it has always been an absolute pleasure to be a part of this thriving community.

In addition to my role as Teacher of Secondary Mathematics, I have played an integral part in organising International and National Mathematics Olympiads hosted here at the British School of Beijing. To date, I have organised five of these events at BSB through organisations such as: FOBISIA, ACAMIS and AISA. All of them were hugely successful and were really worth time and effort in planning and organising these.

The largest competition BSB held was the FOBISIA Mathematics Tournament in May 2017 of which 22 schools from across Asia attended with a total of 28 teams and 184 students taking part. Please click here.

More recently in May 2018, BSB hosted the ACAMIS Middle School Mathematics Olympiad. 21 teams from 11 different schools from across China participated in the two-day challenge. These events comprised of timed individual and high powered group rounds that pushed every aspect of the students’ knowledge to the limit and they were working within a highly competitive environment. These were all valuable experiences for all the students who took part. Please click here. There will be other similar competitions scheduled in the near future but the dates of which have yet to be watch this space!

The Myanmar educational service project has been an initiative I have passionately been involved with and have supported this student lead IB CAS project since 2015. My role has been to accompany and guide students on these charitable ventures and to liaise with the key members of staff over in Myanmar. Our own students' fund-raising initiatives have provided charitable donations that have always gone to worthy causes such as to provide better educational support for underprivileged children. Please click here.

I run the Competition Mathematics ASA to prepare students for future Mathematics Olympiads and have, in my early years at the British School of Beijing, run a Karate ASA!

 My Hobbies include: Scuba Diving, Hiking, travelling and sampling the delights of Asian Cuisine!

 That's a little bit about me.

Paul Readdy

Secondary Mathematics Teacher

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