Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 March, 2017

Artist of the Week –IB student Nikita

Artist of the Week –IB student Nikita - artist-of-the-week-ib-student-nikita
Artist of the Week –IB student Nikita
Artist of the Week –IB student Nikita

For this edition’s ‘Artist of the Week’, we have selected Nikita Jin. Nikita is one of our Year 13 IB Visual Arts students who has created a series of outstanding pieces of artwork over the duration of the Visual Arts course.

Recently, we were approached by City Weekend Parents & Kids magazine to nominate one of our students to have their work published in one of their features. Due to the diversity, skill and beauty of her work, we selected Nikita to represent BSB.

Please find some of the artwork Nikita selected for submission, accompanied by a collection of personal statements about her pieces below.

If you would like to see more of Nikita’s work and all of the fantastic work created by our other Year 13 IB Visual Arts students, please come and visit their IB Visual Arts exhibition on display in the amphitheatre. The exhibition opens Friday 10th March, 18:00-20:00 and continues until Tuesday 21st March. We’d be thrilled to see you there.

The Age of Innocence

This painting, in acrylic, represents the innocent and childish period during my early teenage years. I chose pastel tones and an illustrated style, which was inspired from artists Ensee and Kelsey Beckett. To link with the starting point of my life journey, I combined some symbolic images. I incorporated lily of the valley, daisies and lotuses to convey the innocence and purity representing when I was a young girl living in the fantasy. The figure on the left side is an image of my younger self and on the right is my current image. As the hair grows, I am growing also; the entwining hair also reveals the passing of time and my life journey.


The poses adopted in this piece are emulating those of the three wise monkeys “see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil”. It refers a period of change in my life and my isolation from the outside, withdrawing into my tiny personal world.  The colourful butterflies which repeatedly appear in the photographs represent emergence. As the butterfly breaks forth from the cocoon, I have awakened to reality from the fantasy world of a child. 

Fashion Photography

In my fashion designs, I applied a three colour palette of black, red and white for expressing the uniqueness of young ladies, whilst expressing their dynamism. My inspiration for the piece is the security and insecurity that I feel inside me. There are three strong contrasting elements within my designs, the colour, the textile and the lines. The angular 3D structure which has sharp edge indicates the uncertainty of the inside and the self-preservation we adopt when amongst crowds of people when we are insecure.


The first impression of this painting sees an elaborately dressed up lady with a number of adorable rabbits. However, my real aim is to reveal the dark side of fashion industry. Observing more closely, we notice that the background is becomes more sinister. There are 30 rabbits found in the painting; which is the same number that it takes to make one fur coat, which the girl is wearing. The initial appearance is gives the impression that lady is gentle and demure, but in reality the cruelty of fashion is more horrible. Those who succumb to its allure are just as just as guilty.

Update from: Mr. Matin Harrison, Head of Art



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