Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 February, 2017

Year 13 IB Chinese students practice Chinese calligraphy

Year 13 IB Chinese students practice Chinese calligraphy - year-13-ib-chinese-students-practice-chinese-calligraphy
Year 13 IB Chinese students practice Chinese calligraphy
Year 13 IB Chinese students practice Chinese calligraphy

Just before the Chinese New Year holidays, during the period of their intense IB exam preparation, Year 13 IB Chinese B students had a chance to spend 25 minutes in writing Chinese calligraphy to relax a little, reduce their stress, and to experience their last Chinese New Year celebration at BSB. 

As their teacher, I appreciate their hardwork during the past years. At this New Year time, I wish for them a future in which they all achieve their goals!

Update from: Ms. Lucy Lu, Deputy Head of Mandarin, Secondary Chinese Teacher