Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
16 October, 2016

BSB CERN Trip blog by Year 11 Arch Kim

BSB CERN Trip blog by Year 11 Arch Kim - bsb-cern-trip-blog-by-year-11-arch-kim
BSB CERN Trip blog by Year 11 Arch Kim
BSB CERN Trip blog by Year 11 Arch Kim

To start with, my trip to Geneva and CERN was absolutely amazing and attractive. It was a great time and experience for me. I have learned so many things from the trip. The first day at Geneva, we went to United Nations’ headquarter and saw the Broken Chair. We learned how the United Nations work and how the conferences take place. We also saw different types of meeting rooms along the decades. After the tour of the UN, we had a shopping time at Rue du Mont-Blanc, which was one of my favorite times at Geneva. Then we went to the hamburger restaurant, ‘Holy Cow’ for dinner. Their hamburgers were very delicious and tasty.

On the second day, we went to the headquarter of the Red Cross and visited Red Cross museum. I learnt so many things from the Red Cross museum. In the afternoon, we had a boat trip to Lake Geneva. We saw some beautiful villages and Jet d’Eau, the most famous landmark in Geneva. After the boat trip, we had a city tour of the old town. We visited Saint-Pierre Cathedral, the old armory and the old city hall. After the old city tour, we had a dinner with cheese fondue and some sausages. It was my first time to try cheese fondue and it was very nice and tasty.

The following day, we went to the best part of the trip - visiting CERN. The lecture and presentation of CERN was very interesting and helpful. The greatest part of visiting CERN was going to CMS. I was a bit disappointed that I cannot actually see the CMS, but still it was a great experience to visit CMS, and I was very impressive by the size of CMS. The trip to CERN and exhibitions were very interesting for me because I love to learn about physics.

Next day, we had a train day trip to Montreux. We walked along the Chemin Fleuri and saw the statue of Freddie Mercury. Then we visited Chillon Castle. It was a good time to see and learn how the old people lived in the castle and saw some old prison in the 15th century.

On Monday, we visited to College du Leman and had a scientific experience with students. I met some new friends there and we built a cloud chamber together. And that was our last day at Switzerland.

Again, I think my trip to Geneva and especially CERN was awesome and fantastic. I had a really, really good time at Switzerland and I will never forget my trip to Geneva.

Update from: Year 11 Yunseo (Arch) Kim