Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 June, 2016

Donations to Beijing Ren Ai Charity Foundation

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Donations to Beijing Ren Ai Charity Foundation

Beijing Ren Ai Charity Foundation is setup year 2006. It is a non-government charity foundation. Ren Ai Clothes Donation project was established in June 2007 and started operation in July the same year. This project collection and donate clothes and held a solemn blessing ceremony for people living in poverty-or-disaster-stricken areas as well as for donators.

Volunteers are organized to carefully sort out the second-hand clothes donated from all around the country by sex, age and size. Over one million pieces of clothes have been delivered since the project was established. Since they have the benefit of others in heart, those
sorting the clothes get to understand the value of charity and experience the joy of helping others. This project has attracted people from all walks of life, including company employees, students and government functionaries, to experience this kind of heart charity.

With the development of material civilization and the change of living concepts, there comes a bottleneck of demand for second-hand clothes, therefore proper adjustment is needed. By the end of October 2015, about 13,100 person-times had participated, about 410,000
person-times had benefited from this project, and a total of 2,313,200 yuan had been put into this project.

Donations to Beijing Ren Ai Charity Foundation Our Parents Generously Donated Second Hand Uniforms.

Beijing Ren Ai Charity Foundation is setup year 2006. It is a non-government charity foundation. Ren Ai Clothes Donation project was established in June 2007 and started operation in July the same year. This project collection and donate clothes and held a solemn blessing ceremony for people living in poverty-or-disaster-stricken areas as well as for donators.

Volunteers are organized to carefully sort out the second-hand clothes donated from all around the country by sex, age and size. Over one million pieces of clothes have been delivered since the project was established. Since they have the benefit of others in heart, those
sorting the clothes get to understand the value of charity and experience the joy of helping others. This project has attracted people from all walks of life, including company employees, students and government functionaries, to experience this kind of heart charity.

With the development of material civilization and the change of living concepts, there comes a bottleneck of demand for second-hand clothes, therefore proper adjustment is needed. By the end of October 2015, about 13,100 person-times had participated, about 410,000
person-times had benefited from this project, and a total of 2,313,200 yuan had been put into this project.