Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
31 March, 2016

Slam Poetry Video created by Year 8 English class

Slam Poetry Video created by Year 8 English class - slam-poetry-video-created-by-year-8-english-class
Slam Poetry Video created by Year 8 English class
Slam Poetry Video created by Year 8 English class Year 8 Students in Mr David Cairns’ English class created videos to accompany their original pieces of Slam Poetry.

Students in Mr David Cairns’ English class were asked to create videos to accompany their original pieces of Slam Poetry.  Stemming from America, in the 1980s, Slam Poetry has increased in popularity of late, as it combines elements of classical poetry, performance and Hip Hop music.

Inspired by last year’s creative workshop by former Australian Slam Poetry Champion, Zohab Zee Khan, as well as the prospect of performing in front of another famous Slam Poet, Luka Lesson, students in Year 8 were desperate to demonstrate their creative talents and truly embraced the project.  

John Saul, from 8B, created this powerful poem about the inequality that he considers to currently exists within the world.  The poem was also performed during the recent Big Read event.  Please click the above gallery to view his video.

Update from: Mr. David Cairns, English Teacher