Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 November, 2014

School Advisory Council, Nordstar Board and Food Committee

School Advisory Council, Nordstar Board and Food Committee - school-advisory-council-nordstar-board-and-food-committee
School Advisory Council, Nordstar Board and Food Committee
School Advisory Council, Nordstar Board and Food Committee Please read our Principal's message regarding opportunities at BSB to get involved in feeding back your opinions on the life of the school, and helping to shape the continuous improvements we are committed to making for your children.

Dear Parents,
There are a number of opportunities at BSB to get involved in feeding back your opinions on the life of the school, and helping to shape the continuous improvements we are committed to making for your children. Please have a read through the following and consider whether you might like to contribute your time and energies to one of them:
School Advisory Council.
This meets five times a year, in the evening, to advise the Principal and Executive Leadership Team on matters of policy and strategy. It is not a decision-making body as such but plays a very important role in giving parent and staff feedback and advice into the direction the school is taking. Parents are chosen, following application, by the members of the Council. We currently have vacancies for three parent representatives. If you would like to be considered, please send in a short statement (to the Principal for sharing with the Council) as to why you feel you could contribute, including your experience and what you believe you could contribute. In the past, some members have included a résumé – this can be helpful but is not necessary. Please let me have any expressions of interest by Monday 24 November.
Nordstar Board.
Every year Nord Anglia Education, our parent company, makes available an amount of funding for our school as seed funding for major charitable works. We have an excellent and committed group of parents, teachers and students that lead and coordinate our charity work and ensure that any funds are spent appropriately. Only in place for the past six months, they have already established an exciting vision for the future and need three or four more willing parents to be part of the Board – which meets in the early evening approximately six times per year – and help in any way. Please let me know if you are interested; there is no selection process and, if we have too many, we will simply try to find roles for everyone.
Food Committee.
Just over a year ago, we established a food committee, which is made up of four teachers, four parents, four students and various members of our support team, and which meets with our catering supplier to work to improve the quality of the food in our canteen. They made great progress last year, in changing the entire food service provision, revamping the salad bar, refurbishing the canteen, improving the queuing process, and bringing about menu changes in line with parents’ and students’ wishes. The natural process of turnover in international schools means that we now need two or three parents to join this committee, which meets approximately once a month in the morning on a school day. Once again, there is no selection process and we will try to accommodate those interested in some way, without making the group too large. Please let me know if interested by Monday 24 November so you can join the next meeting.
Whilst talking about parent involvement, we are also trying to increase the profile of the Parents’ Association and make sure it serves the needs and aspirations of all our parents. Please watch your emails and newsletters for further information soon.
With many thanks indeed for your time in considering this. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss any of these informally, or feedback on any other matter in school.

With very best wishes
Andy Puttock