Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
06 August, 2021

Letter from the Principal - new start date 1st September

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Letter from the Principal - new start date 1st September

Dear Parents,


I hope this finds you safe and well.


I am writing with news that due to the recent resurgence of COVID-19 cases in parts of China and in accordance with the measures being put in place in Beijing, the local authorities have informed us that we will not be able to resume school as planned on Monday 16 August. Based on the government’s most recent guidance, we are now planning to begin the 2021-22 school year on campus on Wednesday 1 September. This aligns our start date with local public schools, a move designed by the authorities to help with controlling the spread of COVID-19. A revised 2021-22 school calendar will be sent out when we have confirmation of our new opening date.


We have been informed that all children must be in Beijing 21 days before their first day at school. The authorities are therefore urging all students currently away from Beijing to return to Beijing as soon as possible and at the latest by Monday, 9 August. This will allow time for health monitoring and to follow any epidemic prevention controls that may be required before the start of school. The 21-day student Temperature Log that must be completed by students before returning to campus should begin on Monday, 9 August. You will find the Temperature Log here. We would encourage all BSB families to limit their travel where at all possible and not leave Beijing or go to medium/high risk areas unless absolutely necessary. 


We are all very disappointed of course that the start of our new school year has been postponed but at the same time we recognise and respect the measures that the authorities are taking to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus.


Over the coming days and weeks, we will keep in close touch with the relevant Beijing authorities to ensure that we have up to date information, which we will pass on to parents as necessary.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school and we will be happy to help. Let us look forward to an exciting school year ahead – albeit with a delayed start!


With best wishes.


Yours sincerely,


John Brett MA










近期国内部分地区出现新一波新冠肺炎散发疫情,北京也在近期实施新的管理措施,鉴于此,属地部门已通知我们无法按计划于8月16日(星期一)返校开学。根据有关部门的指导,我们正在计划于 9 月 1 日(星期三)开始 2021-22 学年。这使我们的开学日期与当地公立学校保持一致,以控制新冠肺炎病毒的传播。当我们确定新的开学日期后,将向您发送修订后的 2021-22 学年日历。


我们被告知,所有学生必须在首个到校日前21天回到北京。因此,属地部门敦促目前在京外的学生尽快返回北京,最迟在 8 月 9 日(星期一)之前返回。这将为自我健康监测留出时间,并在开学前落实任何必要的流行病防控要求。学生必须在返校日前完成21天学生健康状况记录表,并应于 8 月 9 日(星期一)开始记录。请您点击这里查收记录表。我们建议所有BSB家庭尽可能限制出行,非必要不出京、不去国内中高风险地区。












John Brett MA

