Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
22 November, 2018

Climate change stories in Year 6

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Climate change stories in Year 6

Linked to our Climate Change topic, Year 6 have been reading short stories about climate change in English.

Climate change stories in Year 6 Linked to our Climate Change topic, Year 6 have been reading short stories about climate change in English.

Linked to our Climate Change topic, Year 6 have been reading short stories about climate change in English.

The first story was about a boy who lives in the Philippines and him observing the effects that climate change is having in his local area. He had just found out that because the sea had warmed by one degree, the coral reef nearby his island had died. The children imagined diving down into the reef and described what they could see. We focused on using figurative language: similes, metaphors and personification.

Miss Allan and Mrs Burgess were very impressed with the high quality pieces of writing that Year 6 produced. Some excellent descriptions were given, such as there being a deathly aura hanging like a veil of sadness around the coral rock. The children also described the coral as screaming in pain and crying in sadness at the destruction. We will be using figurative language to write our own stories in the future, mimicking the layout of the stories we have read, to create our own climate change story with a moral.

By Anita Burgess

Year 6 Eagles Class Teacher