Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
23 June, 2016

Year 6 Graduation

Year 6 Graduation - year-6-graduation
Year 6 Graduation
Year 6 Graduation The Year 6 children had a very special event this week, celebrating their graduation from primary school ready for a new chapter in their life at secondary school in August.

The Year 6 children had a very special event this week, celebrating their graduation from primary school ready for a new chapter in their life at secondary school in August. The ceremony reviewed some of their memories from the year and their wishes for the future as well as the BSB, Sanlitun tradition of a speech from both the child who has been at the school the longest and the shortest length of time. The children were presented with a certificate and gift from the school. It was a very moving ceremony and quite emotional for the children as they leave their friends and BSB family for new adventures in learning and friendships. We wish them every success in Year 7 and the future. Thank you Year 6 for being such a fantastic class!


By Elizabeth Jurgensen