Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
May 14, 2024

Global Tool

Global Tool - Global Tool
Global Tool
A global tool for the future? We think so.  Alumni Maria-Laura and Timur are re-writing the rules for learning languages.

Alumni News | Introducing Convo! A global tool for the future. 

Introducing Convo: Your go-to language practice app. With AI-powered chatbots simulating real conversations in over 95 languages, practice anytime, anywhere. With characters that have been given personalities, backstories, and specific interests so it feels just like chatting with a multilingual friend! Personalize your experience, receive helpful hints, and never worry about awkward moments - Convo makes language learning engaging, effortless, and judgment free. Convo was created by two BIS Houston Alumni: Maria Laura and Timur. BIS Houston will be conducting a pilot program introducing convo as a practice tool for students but you can all find it on the app store when you look up "Convo - language learning"! 

Maria-Laura is pursuing a major in Economics and minors in Finance and Computer Science at UT Austin, while Timur is majoring in Computer Science at A&M. They conceived the idea for Convo in high school, fearing they would lose their language skills without formal education. Maria-Laura found the French language resources either too basic or too advanced, while Timur faced similar issues with Spanish. They identified a gap for a conversational practice platform and created Convo. Convo can be utilized by anyone at any level for practice and is a beneficial tool for students. They have presented their idea to the language department and are thrilled to announce the launch of Convo as a pilot program at BISHouston.

This summer, Timur will undertake an internship at Amazon, and Maria-Laura will participate in research while starting her Master's Degree in Business Analytics. Both of these activities are in Austin, providing them with a chance to expand Convo. They plan to pitch at startup networking events and venture capital firms, and aim to connect with the UT Austin languages department. At BIS Houston, the independent approach to studying and project execution shaped their entrepreneurial spirit. They believe this learning style encouraged them to constantly work on side projects and persevere until they achieved results. 

A global tool for the future? We think so.  Alumni Maria-Laura and Timur are re-writing the rules for learning languages. 

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