Central Vietnam Flood Relief Appeal - central-vietnam-flood-relief-appeal
22 October, 2020

Central Vietnam Flood Relief Appeal

Central Vietnam Flood Relief Appeal - central-vietnam-flood-relief-appeal
Central Vietnam Flood Relief Appeal With the recent devastating floods and landslides caused by torrential rain in central Vietnam, the BIS school community mobilised this week to find ways in which to urgently raise much needed financial aid in support of those most affected.

With the recent devastating floods and landslides caused by torrential rain in central Vietnam, the BIS school community mobilised this week to find ways in which to urgently raise much needed financial aid in support of those most affected. 

As the death toll continues to rise with more than 111 lives already lost and tens of thousands of people displaced having been forced to evacuate their homes and leave them to be destroyed by rising water, an immediate response was needed!

As a symbol of solidarity with the victims and representative of the renewal and health we wish for this region, students and staff on all three campuses wore something green to school today.  In addition, we have received many generous donations for distribution to those affected.

All funds raised will be sent to our community partner, Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation, who currently have a team on the ground in Hue, delivering emergency supplies to people.  Once the water eventually recedes they will be using these funds to work with families, rebuilding homes and replenishing both livestock and livelihoods where possible.  They have also received pleas for assistance from people in Quang Tri and so, together with local government partners, are devising plans on how best to meet the many needs resulting from this disaster.

As a school, we would like to thank each and every one who has opened their hearts and their pockets in support of this appeal, defining BIS as the caring community that it is.  We will continue to look for opportunities to remain involved in bringing relief through various fundraising activities in the weeks ahead and hope to share regular updates on funds raised so please do be on the lookout for these. 

Tracey Brownrigg
Whole School Co-Curricular Coordinator and
Community Service Project Manager