Sparking creativity with AI in education - Sparking creativity with AI in education
08 December, 2023

Sparking creativity with AI in education

Our insights on the fourth revolution in education
Inspired by the Nord Anglia Education Insights article, “The Fourth Education Revolution” we wanted to share with you our own insights on AI in education. 

At BIS HCMC we want to lead the way and we believe that AI can be used as a tool for creativity across the entire curriculum. We are utilising these tools not just in our Secondary classes, but even in Primary Art! Our Year 5 students recently re-designed the Fairtrade logo in their art lessons. They used AI for inspiration and then used Canva as a design tool. 

Sparking creativity with AI in education - Sparking creativity with AI in education


“We used Bing Image Creator and Canva to design our Fairtrade logos. Bing created 3 images in 30 seconds! To design a logo we have to tell the AI a logo idea of something. I think it is great because it helps to give us some ideas so we can make a logo design.” - Akshaansh & Tony, Year 5 students on using AI in Art


“As an art teacher, I believe AI is a fantastic tool that can be used to aid rather than stunt creativity for future artists. As educators, we should embrace new technologies in order to prepare our children for an ever-changing world.” -Mr Jamie, Primary Art Teacher


We also heard from Mr Astbury, our STEAM coordinator:

Sparking creativity with AI in education - Sparking creativity with AI in education

“It’s a great article and raises thoughts very close to my heart. We need to embrace the future.

AI can be used as a simple substitute for other learning tools or completely reimagine how a learning experience is imagined and delivered. The challenges our Gen Z and Alpha students face will be different from that of their Millennial and Gen X teachers.  These challenges have probably not manifested themselves yet. So our young people need to be equipped with a broad range of problem solving skills, and AI is a key tool in their toolbox.

The jobs we know today that AI will remove are those that are repetitious, that can easily be replaced. Creativity is not repetitious. We here at BIS HCMC are actively teaching students to use these AI tools responsibly and effectively. This could be to come up with design ideas that can be redefined or reimagined for a particular user and purpose, using AI to create code blocks that can be then tweaked to work with a given scenario or to provide starting points for research portfolios for humanity based enquiry based projects. AI is a tool for creators to utilise, to become more efficient, it will not replace creators.

Whether we like it or not, Pandora’s box is open. AI, in whatever form it takes is not going away. The future will belong to those who learn to shape AI to their needs, and we aim to provide our students with the toolkit to tackle the challenges that lay ahead.”


Sparking creativity with AI in education - Sparking creativity with AI in education 


Read what the experts have to say in the Insights article: