Using science to survive a zombie apocalypse | BIS HCMC | News - using-science-to-survive-a-zombie-apocalypse
14 June, 2018

Using science to survive a zombie apocalypse

Using science to survive a zombie apocalypse | BIS HCMC | News - using-science-to-survive-a-zombie-apocalypse
Using science to survive a zombie apocalypse

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) provides a challenging and rewarding educational experience based on the philosophy that students should embrace enquiry and apply critical thinking skills to real world situations. We developed these core skills through our IBDP Group 4 Project; using science to survive a zombie apocalypse.

Using science to survive a zombie apocalypse The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) provides a challenging and rewarding educational experience based on the philosophy that students should embrace enquiry and apply critical thinking skills to real world situations. We developed these core skills through our IBDP Group 4 Project; using science to survive a zombie apocalypse.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) provides a challenging and rewarding educational experience based on the philosophy that students should embrace enquiry and apply critical thinking skills to real world situations. We developed these core skills through our IBDP Group 4 Project; using science to survive a zombie apocalypse.

As part of the IB Diploma Programme students can choose academic subjects from six subject groups (1-6). Group 4 is entitled ‘Sciences’ and it is a requirement that students study one of the following subjects:

  • Biology
  • Computer Science
  • Chemistry
  • Design Technology
  • Physics
  • Sports, Exercise and Health Science
  • Environmental Systems and Societies

The compulsory Group 4 project encourages Year 12 students to appreciate the environmental, social and ethical implications of science. Science in the real world is both collaborative and multi-disciplinary therefore this exercise provides an opportunity for students to explore scientific solutions to global questions.

Our Year 12 students were first tasked with ‘scavenging’ for their materials, ensuring that every element was recycled or reused. There were a range of imaginative and creative ideas on display, with our students having the opportunity to demonstrate their BIS Learning Skills: Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Independence and Reflection.

Learning Lotus

There were treadmills which would use a zombie’s mindless shuffle to generate electricity, a wireless transmitter to attract zombies away and bite-proof body armour. While the theme was fun this was an important learning experience for our Year 12s. The student reflections highlighted the importance of teamwork in science and showed that an interdiscplinary approach to real world problems provides valuable insights and solutions.

Matthew Lambert, Head of Science