Primary School Update (10 March 2023) | British International School Hanoi - Primary School Update
Rebecca Carroll
10 March, 2023

Primary School Update (10 March 2023)

Primary School Update (10 March 2023) | British International School Hanoi - Primary School Update

Weekly update from Head of Primary

Dear Parents, 

At BIS, we often talk about the importance of the "parent-student-school" triangle. We believe that students thrive when they are well supported by us, the school, and you, the parents. Our Parent Connect sessions, which run across the primary and secondary schools, are a great way to learn more about our approaches to education and how you can support your children at home. These sessions are always underpinned by research.

Last Friday, we had 40 parents in the library conference room learning about the Zones of Regulation from Mr. Watkins, our primary PSHE leader. It was an engaging workshop where parents went to share some of the challenges they encounter in supporting their children at home and learn more about the importance of letting children talk about their emotions and acknowledging these feelings.

Parent Connect on Emotions and Wellbeing | BIS Hanoi

Today was the turn of Mr. Labelle and Mr. Atkinson, who led a practical Parent Connect session on the topic of E-safety. They shared important strategies to empower parents in managing device safety for children. The safety of our students is paramount, whether in school, at home, or online. Thank you to all those parents who enjoyed the session, and we look forward to next week's sleep-focused Parent Connect.

Parent Connect on E-safety | BIS Hanoi

Please don't forget to sign up for our Spring Social on Sunday, March 19th, from 10:30 to 13:30 at the Moose and Roo Smokehouse in Hai Ba Trung.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend.

Rebecca Carroll 

Head of Primary

Key Dates
  • 11th March: Friends of BIS Flea Market
  • 14th March: Parent Connect with Dr. Mattias on Sleep (Whole School)
  • 19th March: Friends of BIS Spring Social
  • 22th March: Year 2 Musical Production
Primary Learning Highlights

Spotlight on learning is a weekly update from the Primary school which showcases curriculum highlights from across the week.

This week, we are delighted to share some highlights from Year 1. Enjoy the video!