Primary School Updates (11 March 2022) | BIS Hanoi - primary-school-updates
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11 March, 2022

Primary School Updates (11 March 2022)

Primary Newsletter Thumbnail
Primary School Updates (11 March 2022) Next week is Science Week, Ms. Colclough, our Primary Science Leader has an exciting week planned for all the students.

Key DatesPrimary Learning Highlights

Weekly update from Head of Primary

Dear Parents,

After the success of Book Week, Ms. Reilly, our Primary Literacy Leader is sharing her thoughts and reflections and celebrating the students’ achievement in today’s weekly update, please click here to read her article. 

Next week is Science Week, Ms. Colclough, our Primary Science Leader has an exciting week planned for all the students. Please check Class Dojo for information on items that you have at home that can be re-used during Science Week, such as cereal boxes, paper, cardboard boxes and tins. There is also an exciting and tasty challenge launching on Monday too that I can’t wait to see the results of! 

This weeks’ Spotlight on Learning is brought to you by Year 2. I hope you enjoy seeing some of the highlights of their learning over the last few weeks. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. 

Rebecca Carroll 

Head of Primary

Key Dates
  • Monday 14 March to Friday 18 March: Science Week
  • Friday 1 April: Last day of Term 2 
Primary Learning Highlights

This week's spotlight is shining on our Year 2 students. 

They have done a fantastic job with their IPC topic "Let's celebrate", learning all the new and exciting knowledge. Other subjects such as Maths, Science, Vietnamese also saw great engagement and commitment from Year 2s. 

Well done! We're so proud of all of you!