Primary School Updates (25 February 2022) | BIS Hanoi - primary-school-updates
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25 February, 2022

Primary School Updates (25 February 2022)

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Primary School Updates (25 February 2022) All students showed great resilience and perseverance as they got stuck into Virtual School again this week.

Key Dates | Blue Dragon Charity Updates | Friend of BIS Workshops | Primary Learning Highlights

Weekly update from Head of Primary

Dear Parents,

We were all disappointed not to be welcoming Year 2-6 students back to campus this week, but all students showed great resilience and perseverance as they got stuck into Virtual School again this week.

Year 9 students, who were showing great empathy with Primary students by sending some wonderful messages of hope and encouragement to the younger students in Phase Assemblies this week. The theme of these messages gave the younger students hope and optimism about their return to school and a feeling of excitement as they enjoy seeing the enhancements that have happened around our school campus during VSE. Let’s hope it's not too long before we get to say thank you in person to the thoughtful Year 9 students and Mr Wright. 

This week Year 6 have the spotlight on learning focus. I hope you enjoy seeing the highlights of their learning so far this half term. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. 

Rebecca Carroll

Head of Primary 

Key Dates
  • Monday 28 February - Friday 4 March: Book Week
  • Friday 1st April: Last day of Term 2 
Friend of BIS Workshops

Since returning to school following the Tet holidays, our Friends of BIS Parent Workshops have started online. We have seen a great deal of interest in parents joining our yoga, Vietnamese and book clubs run by our BIS teaching staff. Last week, yoga with Miss Peters was the first to kick off and she was delighted with the attendance and participation from all. Miss Peter’s commented on how wonderful it was to see families; parents and children alike, taking part in the yoga sessions together. 

This week also saw our first Vietnamese Language and Culture lesson for parents led by Ms Hop and Ms Mi. The parents received their first taste of the Vietnamese language and learned just like the children would learn a new language in school. Ms Hop and Ms Mi were impressed by the parents’ desire and motivation to upskill their Vietnamese language skills. What a great start and we hope to see you all again next week. 

Our other Friends of BIS activity will be the BIS Book Club. This week Ms Hall has contacted the parents who were interested in taking part in our monthly BIS Book Club. Their first online Book Club meeting will be held at the start of March so watch this space for their future developments. 

If you have not already signed up and are interested in taking part in any or all of our Friends of BIS workshops for parents, please send an email to the teachers who are leading them. You will find their details below: 

  • Yoga: 
  • Vietnamese: 
  • Book Club: 

We hope to see many parents join in, make new friends, learn new skills and enjoy the experiences. 

Kind regards,

Darragh Shannahan 

Asisstant Head of Primary

Blue Dragon Charity with Year 6

This week Year 6 House Captains met with Blue Dragon Children's Foundation representatives to hand over the funds we raised last year.

Primary Learning Highlights

Year 6 kicked off the term with replenished energy and fantastic enthusiasm for learning. 

The students participated in a variety of activities from different subjects such as Science, Math, Vietnamese, and MFL.

It was thrilling to see that the Year 6s' eagerness to learn had not waned even as they continued with Virtual School this term. Well done Year 6!