Primary School Updates (19 November 2021) | BIS Hanoi - primary-school-updates
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19 November, 2021

Primary School Updates (19 November 2021)

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Primary School Updates (19 November 2021) Ahead of World Children’s Day on November 20th, today BIS Hanoi Primary students took part in an exciting day of events and activities.

Key Dates | Primary Learning Highlights

Weekly update from Head of Primary


Dear Parents,

Ahead of World Children’s Day on November 20th, today BIS Hanoi Primary students took part in an exciting day of events and activities. The day began with a wonderful special assembly led by our House Captains and Vice Captains Angus, Thanh Luong, Una, Kaden, Cecily, Chiyo, Eric and Suri. The group worked incredibly hard to prepare and rehearse the assembly, which explored three areas of World Children’s Day: what World Children’s Day is for, why it is celebrated, and how different countries celebrate it around the world. 

Speaking clearly and with great confidence, these wonderful role models did a brilliant job of communicating the purpose of World Children’s Day to the whole of Primary. At the end of the assembly there was even a quick quiz to test their fellow students’ knowledge. The House Captains prepared and delivered a wonderful, engaging assembly and were admirably supported by our Secondary UNICEF ambassadors. We look forward to hearing more from these fantastic young leaders as the year continues! 

Students from across Primary have also been taking part in a number of activities linked to wellbeing and supporting one-another as part of World Children’s Day. I look forward to sharing highlights with you next week.

Finally, I am delighted to be able to share two videos with you. The first is our Spotlight on Learning from Year 6 (which you can see below). The second is the Primary “World in Union” Video, which has been put together by Flis Kirk and the Performing Arts team. What a wonderful reminder it is of the fantastic few days we had celebrating the International Festival before October half-term. I hope you enjoy both videos.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Rebecca Carroll

Head of Primary

Key Dates
  • Friday 19 November: World Children's Day Assembly (Whole School)
  • Friday 3 December: Extracurricular Activities finish
  • Friday 17 December: Last Day of Term 1 
Primary Learning Highlights

Our new topic for Year 6 this term is “What a Wonderful World” and along with Science lessons, the students have discovered more about our planet and how to protect it. During the week, they also actively joined several Global Campus challenged and strived to earn as many badges as possible for BIS Hanoi! All of teachers were amazed by the engagement level and resilience they showed throughout these weeks and they have made so much progress since the start of the term 

What a great achievement for all our Year 6s!  

Let's take a look at some of the amazing learning that has been going on.