Primary School Updates (29 October 2021) | BIS Hanoi - primary-school-updates
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29 October, 2021

Primary School Updates (29 October 2021)

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Primary School Updates (29 October 2021) Welcome back to Term 1B, I hope you all enjoyed a good rest over half-term. This week, we kicked off the second half of the first-term with lots of exciting entry points.

Key Dates Primary Learning Highlights

Weekly update from Head of Primary


Dear Parents,

Welcome back to Term 1B, I hope you all enjoyed a good rest over half-term. This week, we kicked off the second half of the first-term with lots of exciting entry points.

Primary House Captains

The week before half-term, Mr. Vaughan and I had the pleasure of interviewing over 20 Year 6 students for the role of this year’s House and Vice-Captains. With only 8 positions available, it was a tough decision as all the students who applied for this role were impressive. They spoke confidently and shared their reflections on why they would be a good choice for the role, what strengths they will bring and how we can further improve our school. We finished these interviews feeling incredibly proud of all these aspiring leaders and would like to congratulate all the students for taking part in this process. The 8 successful appointed House and Vice-Captains are excited to get stuck into their new roles.

First up for our Primary Captains is World Children’s Day on the 19th of November where they will be working with the Secondary Student Ambassadors on a range of activities for Primary students. I look forward to sharing more news from our student leadership teams in the coming weeks and months. 

Our spotlight on learning returns with Year 3 week. Please click on the link below to enjoy seeing the highlights from our Year 3 students over recent weeks. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. 

Rebecca Carroll

Head of Primary

Primary Learning Highlights

Year 3 had an enjoyable week back from the half term break. They have been engaging in lots of interesting learning activities and fun experiments. Let's watch some of the exciting moments that Year 3 had during their learning.