The combination of support from parents at home and teachers online has had a huge impact - the-combination-of-support-from-parents-at-home-and-teachers-online-has-had-a-huge-impact
Nord Anglia
15 May, 2020

The combination of support from parents at home and teachers online has had a huge impact

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The combination of support from parents at home and teachers online has had a huge impact New challenges always provide learning opportunities. Teachers have been extremely impressed with the progress that students have made during Virtual Schooling and the independence that has developed over the last few months.

New challenges always provide learning opportunities. Teachers have been extremely impressed with the progress that students have made during Virtual Schooling and the independence that has developed over the last few months.

Staff were hopping with excitement on Monday and Tuesday morning as we welcomed Primary students back into the building and the week has just kept getting better. Despite the additional and much needed safety precautions that were in place, students reconnected with friends and teachers and took no time at all to adapt back to their classroom environment.

Teachers have been extremely impressed with the progress that students have made during Virtual Schooling and the independence that has developed over the last few months. This hasn’t been a holiday, the students have been working extremely hard throughout Virtual School and the combination of support from parents at home and teachers online has had a huge impact.  

As every year progresses, we see the students mature and develop and this year is no exception. Our EYFS staff were prepared for transition challenges as our youngest learners returned to EYC, but have been amazed by the progress and readiness for learning displayed by children in F1, F2 and F3.

New challenges always provide learning opportunities. As we return to a ‘new normal’, we are reflecting on how we adapted and adjusted during Virtual School and what new ideas and strategies we want to carry forward. I am sure for parents, that whilst delighted to wave your children off to school on Monday, it may have been bitter sweet at the prospect of no longer spending so much time together as a family. One of our parents summed it up brilliantly, with this poem which reflects their feelings as familiar routines return.

Rebecca Carroll

Head of Primary