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Nord Anglia Education's CEO Andrew Fitzmaurice shares his thoughts on this year's outstanding academic results.
The results are in — the 2017/18 school year was one of the most exceptional years in Nord Anglia Education’s history, with significant academic improvements across the board.
For our IB results, we achieved a 94 per cent pass rate this year, topping the global average of 78.4 per cent. Our average IB score was 33.1 points, compared to the global average of 29.8. Seven students earned a perfect score of 45 out of 45 — our best result ever.
Regarding I/GCSE, for the first year ever we achieved an important milestone with a stunning 90.2 per cent of our students’ grades being A* to C. This is significantly higher than the UK average of 66.9 pcent. Half of all our I/GCSE grades were A* or A, compared to the UK average of 20.5 per cent. Nearly 85 per cent of our students achieved five or more A* to C grades, including English and Maths. I’m also particularly impressed by the fact that 18 schools achieved their best year of A* to C grades since joining our global family.
All our schools offering Advanced Placement tests have improved their average scores this year, enabling our group average to jump by nearly 10 per cent. The number of students gaining a 4 or 5 in AP this year was up 17 per cent from last year.
For the first time ever, our schools offering the Baccalauréat Français have achieved a 100 per cent pass rate. This includes a 125 per cent increase in ‘mentions bien’ and a 50 per cent increase in ‘mentions très bien’.
This was also our best year ever for A levels, with A*/B scores leaping from 56 per cent to 67 per cent. We also beat the global average for the A*-E pass rate for the first time since 2014.
These scores are a testament to NAE’s outstanding teaching, the quality assurance framework that demands high standards for schools, and the group’s approach to personalised learning for all students.
I’d like to conclude by congratulating our students, teachers and staff for all their hard work. Well done!
Embarking on a new academic journey can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, especially when starting at a new international school. Here at BCB, we understand the mix of emotions that new students might be experiencing, from excitement to anxiety. In this blog post, we'll explore 5 tips that can help create an environment that's welcoming, safe, and conducive to the growth and success we wish upon all our students.
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