Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 November, 2017

Band performances at the Christmas Fayre 2017

Band performances at the Christmas Fayre 2017 Schools Bands.

On the 25th of November, we had the Christmas Fayre at our CF Campus. During the day the music department presented a number of band performances from both campuses. The show started with the CJ Rock Band, formed by students from Year 3 and 4, performing the song "Sweet Child O'Mine". After that, the CF Y3 and 4 rock band performed 2 songs. Followed by students from Secondary showcasing the work that they have been doing during the Secondary Instrumental program. We finished the day with a staff band performing 3 songs. The performances were a great start to our performing season and everyone was amazed by the excellent musicians we have in our school! Most of the bands are performing again over the next few weeks at the primary and secondary events arranged by the performing arts department, so if you missed out on the Christmas Fayre, then come along to one of the many events happening in both the CJ and CF campus.