Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 April, 2016

A week amongst the Jaguars

A week amongst the Jaguars Year 7 visited the Pantanal, in what was a richly rewarding experience for all involved, with many students bravely stepping out of their comfort zones, participating in new experiences and making new friends.

Year 7 visited the Pantanal, in what was a richly rewarding experience for all involved, with many students bravely stepping out of their comfort zones, participating in new experiences and making new friends.After travelling to the station by plane, bus and finally motor boat, the students had the opportunity to experience life on a farm surrounded by jaguars, capybaras and majestic hyacinth macaws.Year 7 particularly enjoyed the exciting night spent camping outdoors, and piranha fishing- with one lucky student even managing to (briefly) snag a cayman. On the final night the students bid farewell to the Pananal with a pool party under the stars.