Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 October, 2015

Fairy Tale Day

Fairy Tale Day Year 2 got together at Chacara Flora campus to enjoy a 'Fairy Tale Day'

A long, long time ago, on Thursday 24th September, Year 2 got together at Chacara Flora campus to enjoy a 'Fairy Tale Day' in celebration of the end of their unit of work on traditional tales. The children enjoyed a range of fairy tale themed activities including making a Snow White apple crumble (non-poisonous!), dancing in Prince Charming's ballroom, getting messy with the Three Bears' porridge and decorating Jack's beanstalk with magic jellybeans. A GIANT-sized 'Thank you!' to Mr. Healey for organising the activities. We all had a wonderful time, and lived happily ever after. The end!