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News image Screen Shot 20210219 at 140734 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
The Challenge of Keeping Up With English Vocabulary.
In April of last year, the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary did something unusual.In April, and again in July, the dictionary’s editors released special updates, citing a need to document the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the English language.  Some of the new inclusions were based on the language of quarantine; such as social-distance, shielding and self-isolate, others based on new social experiences such as elbow-bump (a safe way of greeting people),  zoombombing (which is when strangers intrude on video conferences), doomscrolling (which happens when you skim anxiety-inducing pandemic-related stories on your smartphone) and more globally, my personal favourite,  the German term “hamsterkauf” (literal translation ‘buying hamsters) as a way of describing panic buying. Whether such terms will be in common usage after the pandemic is anyone’s guess.
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News image Our Newsletter Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter - 12th of February 2021
Dear Parents, Hopefully today we can help clarify some of the current organisation and decisions made. We are only reporting on the situation today as we don’t want to add confusion. Changes, calls for feedback, and future changes will be communicated at the necessary time.
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News image Screen Shot 20210210 at 115031 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Persuasive Writing and Rhetoric in the 21st Century.
Let’s face it. The art of persuasion and rhetoric has helped to build local communities, cities and empires. We can celebrate the great orators of ancient Greece and Rome for crafting the skill that has stood the test of time for over two thousand years. Many modern day politicians still look back to some of the classical greats for inspiration to stir up crowds and nations in times of both peace and war.
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News image Screen Shot 20210212 at 103931 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
BCB Student's Project Selected by MIT STEAM Challenge
One of BCB students' MIT project has been selected to be part of the MIT reaction video.
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News image Geography 4 News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
IGCSE - IBDP Geography Fieldtrip to the River Paraitinga
Despite challenging conditions, students on the IGCSE and IBDP - Geography curriculum, found their fieldtrip to the River Paraitinga a rewarding experience.
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News image News Default Image Blog | artculture
Student Voice in Mathematics
As teachers, we try to know all of our students as well as possible: we try to understand how they work and feel and then we use this to help them achieve their very best.
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News image Screen Shot 20210202 at 172722 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Reading Projects During Term 1
We at the MFL department have reinforced the importance of reading for students. Recently, each year group participated in reading projects that, despite the varied proposals, have as a common objective the academic role of students, as well as (providing) a repertoire of life, experiences, possibilities, exchanges and discoveries about themselves and the world around you.
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News image Our Newsletter Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (22nd of January 2021)
Dear Parents, I am delighted to write with the updated plan for operations from 1st February. The health and safety protocols will continue as before, temperature checking at the gate, wearing of masks, shields for staff, hand sanitizer all around the school, regular hand washing, and a distance maintained of 1.5M between people. We have been operating safely with the 20% extracurricular activities for some time now and are confident with movements in, around, and out of school. This message is to outline your children’s attendance.
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News image News Default Image Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
MIT Challenge - Living in Space (Term 1)
During this term, our secondary students have been invited to take part in the first STEAM challenge of this academic year. The challenge for this term is called "Into the void - Living in Space" - our students had the opportunity to interact with MIT experts who work at the International Space Station.
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News image Our Newsletter Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (11th of December 2020)
Dear Parents, We have finally arrived at the end of our first term together. As I discussed with the PTA earlier this week, this is now the opportunity to have a complete rest with your families, no waking up and getting your children online, no worries about internet connection or technology, no multiple trips to school for the extracurricular learning.
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News image Our Newsletter Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (4th of December 2020)
Dear Parents, Today for Primary and next week for Secondary, you will receive this term’s reports for your children. As parents you eagerly await these to celebrate your child's success and also to support them in their stage of learning. Whether you are in your first term of school or about to take vital exams, we want to know that we are on the correct track. Academic outcomes are extremely important, and we do put an emphasis on these, but what I think is vital is the attitude to learning. Children with a positive attitude and growth mindset are going to do the best they can in the future. These features are reported in Secondary with a 1-4 scale and in Primary with their stage on the learner league. Please do celebrate these aspects with your children.
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News image Music News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Global Campus Competition - Virtual Young Musician of the Year 2021
Whether you play the violin, drums or sing - if you're a musician, we would like to encourage you to select, prepare and enter a performance for the Nord Anglia Education Virtual Musician of the Year 2021 competition.
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News image Screen Shot 20201204 at 150701 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
The Importance of the Arts and Creative Thinking
Studying the arts online can be challenging but our students have been engaging in lots of creative activities.
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News image unnamed 14 Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (27th of November 2020)
Dear Parents, Each year all Nord Anglia schools around the globe survey their parents to gain valuable feedback. As a new Principal this is a fantastic opportunity to gain your views in a completely anonymous way. For a school and community to work as well as we can together, we need valuable feedback. For example, we may think we are communicating effectively but that may not be your perception. If we don’t talk to each other honestly and openly, then we might be targeting our communications in the wrong way. This is just one very simple example, and I do hope that you have felt communication has improved since I started at the school. However, I am always open for things to improve.
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News image Screen Shot 20201127 at 084833 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
On Monday 16th November, the World Bank (an international financial institution that aims for a world free from poverty), published a blog about the 2020 Atlas of SDGs.
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News image 3 Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
Diversity and Inclusion in International Schools
There is something remarkably special about international schools. I am not talking about the smart uniforms, the IB curriculum or the ever-present English language. They are special and unique places, micro worlds in themselves, because of the kaleidoscopic social fabric they are made of, their children!
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News image unnamed 14 Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (20th of Novemeber 2020)
Dear Parents, It has certainly been a challenging week with our first cases of COVID-19 amongst our community, as communicated to you all last weekend. These groups, individuals and classes have had separate communication as there is specific involvement and potential affect. This has also led to contact tracing and close contacts found who need to be quarantined for a period of time. I do hope that you have found our honest, open and clear communication informative and that it is serving to show how well prepared we are for any eventuality. We have to keep very fluid and adaptive as a school, some of the very skills we teach through our IB program and throughout the school. Just to reiterate if you do have any questions or concerns then please do ask us. Also, if you, or anyone at home, does test positive, could you please inform the school and then we can ensure that this group and close contacts are also quarantined.
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News image IB_LOGO Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme - IBDP
I recently found myself in conversation with an alumni of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and they expressed a vehement dislike of the programme, to the extent that I was quite taken aback. Even more so when I informed them that I was in my current position of employment due to my belief and advocacy of the International Baccalaureate education model. I was amazed at the depth of animosity felt by my acquaintance. I decided to discuss with the IBDP students at BCB about their feelings toward the course. There was, as you would expect, a spectrum of responses; some wincing with pain in reflection of late nights working on Extended Essays; others joyfully recalling Theory of Knowledge lessons that blew open their understanding of reality; and admittedly one who felt at least a strong dislike for the programme. The reason I believe the IBDP can elicit such a strong reaction is because it asks more from the students than any other programme.
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News image unnamed 14 Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (13th of November 2020)
Dear Parents, I was reading the Secondary library newsletter and two things, quite related, caught my attention. The first was about the 10 happiest songs in the world and how these can give us an uplifting mood. The second was about the most watched video of all time on YouTube, again another piece of music or catchy tune.
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