News, Blog, Podcasts - Page 23 - News Search

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News image 00PD0000017mvilMAADSCF7052 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
The Nanjing International Music Festival, 2016
In March 2016 a selection of our Secondary students embarked on a journey to the mystical lands of China to participate in the British Schools Foundation International Music Festival, 2016 at our sister school, The British School of Nanjing.
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News image 00PD0000017mvWpMAIGOPR4444 News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
Cave adventures in Petar
This years trip to Petar was as fun as it was exciting and the students and staff both had a terrific time.
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News image 00PD0000017mWLyMAMDSCF0131 News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
Bolivia Expedition
This year the students of Year 8 at BCB travelled to the giddy heights and extreme conditions of one of the highest areas of the continent: the spectacular salt flats of the Salar de Uyuni in southern Bolivia.
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News image 00PD0000017mKMxMAMSolar System model News | steam
Science Week
This week, the children have been taking part in Science Week. Each morning has begun with a 'Big Wow' a start to the day where the children have been amazed at science in action.
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News image 00PD0000017lThNMAUIMG_8702 News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
A week amongst the Jaguars
Year 7 visited the Pantanal, in what was a richly rewarding experience for all involved, with many students bravely stepping out of their comfort zones, participating in new experiences and making new friends.
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News image 00PD0000017mK74MAEJungle Book Luisa Lozano Nombre del documento200416_19 News | artculture
Open Up The Jungle Book!
On the 20th of April, Key Stage 2 of Chacara Flora campus performed "The Jungle Book"
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News image 00PD0000017lNVOMA2IMG_3452 News | artculture
Getting Busy in the Kitchen!
Thank you to all of those who contributed to the charity bake sales on Friday 15th April by bringing in baked goodies or sending in some change for your children to spend.
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News image 00PD0000017lPtQMAUIMG_0958 News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
The Trip to Toca da Raposa
On April 18, coincidentally one day before Indian Day is celebrated here in Brazil, Year 6 went on a Field Trip to Toca da Raposa to meet a group of indians from the Kuikuro tribe.
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News image 00PD0000017m6oVMAQHogwarts News | artculture
BCB Book Day 2016
This year, the British College of Brazil was transformed into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for our annual Book Day.
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News image 00PD0000014lftDMAQIMG_20160204_133033530 News | sport
Cidade Jardim Year 3 and Year 4 Cricket Workshop
On the 4th and 19th of February we had a very special guest here at BCB, Mr. Khan, who is the coach for the Brazilian National Cricket Team and a BCB parent.
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News image 00PD0000013UW6IMAWIMG_4548 News | steam
Nursery's Maths Fun Day
On Tuesday 2nd of February the Nursery children from the Cidade Jardim campus visited us at Chacara Flora for a special Fun Maths Morning.
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News image 00PD0000013UKNbMAOIMG_3664 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Reception's Minibeast Fun
BCB Reception classes met at the Chacara Flora campus for some Minibeast fun as an introduction to our new topic 'Minibeasts'.
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News image 00PD0000013UKRhMAOIMG_2259 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Samba Workshop
Samba Workshop Last week students at both campuses of BCB had the chance to be part of a wonderful samba workshop.
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News image 00PD0000013RpHXMA0IMG_0513 News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
Botanical Gardens
On Friday 22nd January, Year 2 took a trip to Jardim Botanico as an introduction to our new Science topic, 'Plants'.
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News image 00PD0000013RKPaMAO2ff048bc501442a6b698f657fb03af10 News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
Superheroes Trip
To start our new Superhero topic in Year 1 we jumped onboard the Bat bus and headed to the OA campus.
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News image 00PD0000010YAruMAGIMG_7216 News | steam | Highlights
Code Club ASA
The KS2 children at the Cidade Jardim campus have been taking part in an exciting ASA where they have been developing their computational thinking skills
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News image 00PD000000xwHULMA2IMG_0585 News | artculture
Fairy Tale Day
Year 2 got together at Chacara Flora campus to enjoy a 'Fairy Tale Day'
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News image 00PD000000xwHZZMA2IMG_5924 News | wholeschool | Whole School News
Supporting Casa da Criana
The British College of Brazil have reached out into the local community and support a local orphanage Casa da Criana.
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News image 00PD000000xwHWMMA2IMG_0694 News | sport
Y1 studying Olympic theme
Year 1 started the term by introducing their Olympic Topic theme.
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