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News image Screen Shot 20200918 at 133745 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Modern Foreign Language - Reading and Writing Project in Portuguese Lessons
In our Secondary blog, the importance of reading has been highlighted. And I could not agree more. Reading is definitely the extension of school in our lives. It enables us to contemplate how people can express themselves, in diverse manners. It is astonishing how plastic language can be!
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News image Acceptance 2 Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
Primary Blog - Acceptance
Throughout the last six months, we have all had to experience change that none of us could ever have imagined. This huge shift has meant that the defining boundaries between the different areas in our lives and our relationships have been scrambled and we have been presented with many challenges. For most of us, our natural instinct, when faced with change of this level, is to avoid it. Just as we automatically recoil when we unexpectedly happen upon a dangerous animal or we instinctively pull our hand away from a hot stove, we naturally try to put upsetting thoughts and feelings out of mind. However, we cannot escape the reality of what is happening and we cannot resist the change that has occurred in all of our lives, instead we need to actively accept that there are many things that are out of our control and surrender to this change. As the pandemic that many thought would pass within weeks stretches on into the foreseeable future and becomes our new reality, we are faced with how to cope with the mental health effects. When life is not exactly as we want it to be, it can be helpful to turn our minds towards acceptance.
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News image Weekly newsletter Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (11th of September 2020)
Dear Parents, Strong relationships between home and school are the most important way to positively engage and triangulate information between you, the teacher, your child and their learning. I believe that at times like now, these relationships are getting stronger. Contact between student and teacher are closer and more frequent through the screen, and I know parents are more actively involved in their child’s learning supporting at home and contact between teacher and parent often increased to support your child, technically and educationally.
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News image Screen Shot 20200918 at 185214 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
First STEAM Challenge
The first STEAM challenge of the year was released last week - The coronavirus replica!
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News image Screen Shot 20200527 at 202552 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Last Year, our students in Year 7  studied in Portuguese classes about intertextuality and recreated posters of movie names and cartoons by mixing them with food names.
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News image unnamed 8 Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
Weekly Newsletter (4th of September)
Dear Parents, Our British College Brazil core purpose is, ‘To create engaging and personalised learning and empower each student to achieve more than they ever thought possible by providing the best of both worlds: a global community with the best of British standards and the pride in nurturing the future leaders of Brazil to reach new heights.’
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News image Screen Shot 20200902 at 103136 Blog | artculture
Exploring Emotions Through the Arts
At this difficult time for all of us the arts can be an excellent way for students to explore their emotions and feelings by expressing them in different artforms. At some point this term students will be exploring their emotions in their work through Music, Drama and Visual Arts.
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News image Screen Shot 20200903 at 145305 Blog | artculture
Virtual Learning Experience
Music is a universal language that can engage and inspire pupils. During Virtual school we have prepared some special classes to help and engage our students while teaching the topics from our curriculum.
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News image image 4 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Secondary MakerLab update
Following on from my blog on the 21st July, I am delighted to share with you the final design of the MakerLab as we have now selected the furniture and equipment.
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News image unnamed 3 News | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
Extra Weekly Newsletter (2nd of September)
Dear Parents, I wanted to write a special one-off newsletter today in support of one of our historically chosen school charities.
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News image NEwsletter News | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
Weekly Newsletter (28th of August)
I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are passing by, it is almost September and I have been in Brazil for almost a month.
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News image 1 Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
The Joys of Reading.
Reading is a rewarding experience, whether you are hyped for a brand new release or revisiting an old favourite, there is something therapeutic about reading. It's easy to become so absorbed within a world where we lose our sense of time and place with: intriguing characters; heart-racing situations; and wondrous settings. As Dr Seuss once wrote: “Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks.” As a little boy, Dr Seuss’ influence still holds value.
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News image unnamed 3 News | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
Weekly Newsletter (21st of August)
Dear Parents, Welcome to my second weekly newsletter. In an attempt to effectively communicate with all our community this newsletter, and those from now on, will be in both English and Portuguese, so do keep scrolling for your preferred language.
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News image Screen Shot 20200814 at 150646 News | wholeschool | Whole School News
IGCSE: Students at The British College of Brazil Celebrate Success With IGCSE Results - 100% Pass Rate
Students at The British College of Brazil, part of the global Nord Anglia Education family of schools, are celebrating today after receiving their long-awaited IGCSE results early this week.
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News image Video Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
It's Back to School!
It has been an exciting start to the year for BCB Secondary School. On Monday, our Year 7s and new students started their induction into the school, meeting their teachers and tutor groups. Parents joined in too during our first zoom information meeting of the year!
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News image Screen Shot 20200811 at 162623 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Welcome Back - Primary
We are restarting our new academic year and our teachers prepared a message for our Primary pupils!
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News image Screen Shot 20200804 at 142540 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Getting Ready to Get Back
Now more than ever before we all need a true sense of optimism, this may not be easy but it is far from impossible. We need to make the conscious decision to be optimistic. It is an active decision and one that needs to be worked on every day.
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